Transport systems resilience
On 21 February 2024, FEPORT was among the organizations joining an all-day academic conference on the state of play on EU transport policy and the challenges and priorities for the future of EU transport and mobility.
Organised in cooperation with the Florence School of Regulation, the conference provided an interesting opportunity for attendees and speakers to discuss about what should be the next EU Commission’s priorities in the transport and mobility field.
Geopolitical and geoeconomic developments we are experiencing these last years have urged governments and private businesses to rethink the way they conceive their strategies and their investments. This is also valid for the EU transport policy in several ways as the COVID pandemic, war in Ukraine, and climate-related events revealed shortcomings in the EU transport resilience planning and required different responses to them.
Geopolitical tensions and shifts in energy markets have impacted the EU's energy security and access to resources needed for transport, such as oil and gas.
Disruptions in global supply chains that we have been facing since 2020, have prompted the EU to find short term solutions but we still need to reassess transport policies to enhance in a sustainable manner resilience. It will be for instance crucial to pursue efforts to identify the chronic causes of the disruptions and increase transparency within the maritime logistics chain.
Measures to strengthen intra-EU transport networks, to promote modal shifts to less vulnerable modes of transport, and decisions to invest in technologies that improve supply chain visibility and efficiency remain more than ever essential.
The EU must invest in modernizing and upgrading roads, bridges, ports, airports, and railways to enhance their resilience against natural disasters and other disruptions. Having multiple options reduces dependency on a single mode and improves the system's ability to adapt to disruptions in one area by shifting traffic to others. This is what the war in Ukraine is teaching us, but we should also learn from the impact of the Red Crisis on trade patterns.
The EU should also develop emergency response and crisis management plans to address disruptions swiftly and effectively. COVID pandemic has shown that coordination between member states, transport operators, port stakeholders, and relevant authorities has allowed to minimize the impact of disruptions on the transport system and the economy. We should capitalize on the lessons we collectively learnt.
Geoeconomic considerations, such as trade agreements and economic partnerships, can drive infrastructure investments and connectivity projects aimed at enhancing transport links between EU member states and with neighbouring regions. Mobilizing enough resources to finalize the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) is not any more an economic imperative but also a powerful geopolitical instrument.
Geopolitical developments, such as international climate agreements and environmental regulations, can influence EU transport policies by placing greater emphasis on sustainability and emissions reduction targets. This is what the EU Green Deal and more particularly the Fit for 55 package has been meant for: a response to climate urgency and commitments resulting from Paris agreement.
But the EU should also intensify its diplomatic efforts to promote the adoption of cleaner transport technologies and the reduction of carbon emissions from the transport sector at global level or at least convince neighbouring countries which are competing with the EU, without bearing the same costs resulting from the implementation of climate related pieces of legislation (e.g.: ETS for Maritime), to adopt the same rules.
Overall, the future EU transport policy should be deeply intertwined with geopolitics and geoeconomics, as it should seek a balance between economic interests, geopolitical considerations, environmental concerns, and technological innovation. But to be really successful, the EU Transport policy should also be the result of an inclusive and sustainable listening exercise from policy makers. The 21st of February academic conference was in this respect a good start.
01.02.2024 – EU Innovation Fund is key to support the transition to zero-emission waterborne transport – Brussels
300 participants attended the infoday regarding the EU Innovation Fund for the waterborne transport sector, showcasing the importance of support for the transition to zero-emission waterborne transport.
On the 1st of February, CLIA Europe, ECSA, ESPO, FEPORT, SEA Europe and Waterborne TP jointly organised the EU Innovation Fund infoday for the waterborne transport sector, co-organised by the European Commission. Approximately 300 participants from the broader waterborne transport sector (private and public stakeholders) attended the infoday, showcasing the commitment of the sector to engage and set sail for deploying solutions for societal challenges, while highlighting the need for financial support for the uptake of clean fuels and for the deployment of innovations to progress as fast as possible on the net-zero pathway.
The Innovation Fund uses revenues generated by the EU Emissions Trading System to invest in Europe's green transition. 20 million EU Emission Trading System (ETS) allowances have been earmarked under the new EU ETS Directive for the maritime sector. These allowances correspond to 1.5 to 2 billion EUR under the current carbon price. Although waterborne transport projects were already eligible, the most recent call for proposals in the framework of the EU Innovation Fund includes specificities of the sector, taking into account the fact that maritime transport contributes to the EU ETS from 1 January 2024 onwards. The Innovation Fund focuses on highly innovative technologies and flagship projects within Europe that can achieve significant emission reductions. The aim is sharing the risk with project promoters and putting the spotlight on highly innovative projects with clear European added value.
In the waterborne transport domain, support can be provided to various clean technologies that contribute to the decarbonisation of the sector. These include energy efficiency, sustainable fuels and energy sources as well as infrastructure. Various examples of new projects were presented by different stakeholders during the infoday.
Whilst the sector is acknowledging the importance of the EU Innovation Fund, there is still a need to further finetune the Fund for future calls and the upcoming dedicated maritime calls, to ensure the specificities of the sector are properly addressed. The event provided a unique opportunity to discuss also these items as well, ranging from calculation methods and assessment of the award criteria that must be targeted to the specificities of the sector to the need to ensure access to the funding instruments for small and medium-sized enterprises and the importance of a comprehensive network approach in deploying the innovative solutions.
Marie-Caroline Laurent, Director General Europe, CLIA said: “The cruise industry is at the heart of the European maritime industrial cluster with 98% of cruise vessels built in Europe. The opportunity to access the EU Innovation Fund will support our industry’s drive to innovate. To achieve the maritime industry objective of zero GHG emissions by 2050, reinvestment of EU ETS revenues into maritime innovation, research & development and adequate renewable energy infrastructures at ports will essential at European and national level.”
Sotiris Raptis, Secretary General, ECSA, added: “Decarbonising shipping is not a question of ‘if’ but a question of ‘how’. Setting aside almost 2 billion EUR of the ETS revenues for maritime is a victory for the decarbonisation of the sector. Clean fuels can be up to five times more expensive compared to fuels currently used. Dedicated support through the Innovation Fund is key to bridging the price gap with clean fuels, as well as improving the energy efficiency of ships, fostering innovation and building the infrastructure in ports”.
Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General, ESPO, continued: “The EU Innovation Fund is instrumental in paving the way to progress as fast as possible on the sector’s greening path. This requires important and more high-risk investments in ports, to ensure the supply and infrastructure needed for the new energies and technologies. As such, the Fund should make sure to support projects that are proven highly effective in terms of emission reduction and overall climate impact and must be improved and scaled up even further through further innovation.”
Lamia Kerdjoudj, Secretary General, Feport, added: “This workshop is a very important exercise that allows us to identify the main needs to be considered in the framework of the forthcoming calls. It has also shown the importance to dedicate part of the revenues of the Innovation Fund for the maritime and port sectors. FEPORT also underlines the need to focus on GHG emission avoidance, cost efficiency and replicability as important award criteria to ensure that the Innovation Fund can leverage adequate support for energy efficiency in ports and the electrification of the maritime sector”.
Christophe Tytgat, Secretary General, SEA Europe, added: “Today's highly attended infoday highlighted the remarkable interest of the maritime sector towards the current and forthcoming calls under the Innovation Fund. The growing recognition of maritime project specificities within the Innovation Fund framework marks a significant stride forward. However, SEA Europe is now looking to propel progress even further by contemplating the establishment of a dedicated maritime envelope or fund. Such an approach will foster competition exclusively among maritime project proposals and so, aims to amplify opportunities and streamline advancements within the maritime industry.”
Jaap Gebraad, Secretary General, Waterborne Technology Platform, concluded: “The EU Innovation Fund is a key instrument to deploy innovations. The Fund has the potential to ensure the sector meets the climate targets that have been set. Taking into account the fact that the waterborne transport sector mainly consists of SMEs, further necessary amendments to the Fund would ensure a just transition of the waterborne transport sector.”
Please find the entire Press release here.
05.02.2024 – FEPORT replies to the call for feedback on the Combined Transport Directive revision – Brussels
On the 7th of November 2023, the European Commission has presented a new revision to the Combined Transport Directive with a stronger emphasis on reaching a more sustainable transport methods and on increasing the competitiveness of intermodal transport compared to road transport.
The proposed revision is an important step to ensure the achievement of the European Union’s ambitious climate targets for 2030 and 2050. Combined transport can play an essential role in terms of reduction of emissions and road congestion.
On the 5th of February 2024, FEPORT submitted its reply to the call for feedback and underlined the following:
External costs savings:
The CTD revision put a focus on operations that reduce at least 40% of negative externalities compared to road-only operations with the same starting and end point.
The aim is to improve the use of terminal and other infrastructure capacity by allowing trucks carrying out the short feeder legs to reach terminals when they need to take the next mode of transport (train, barge, ship).
FEPORT supports the revision proposal on this point, as it advocates the approach based on the external cost savings rather than on the length of road and non-road transport operations and the distance to the most convenient terminal.
Before, support depended on the length of the (non)-road legs and proximity of nearest terminal.
Transparency requirements:
FEPORT members will be impacted by art. 9b as this article mandates operators of intermodal transshipment terminals (including terminals in seaports) to make available on their website information about their services and facilities.
FEPORT recommends that information is required only if operators of CT are not able to properly evaluate the selection of terminals without them.
FEPORT advocates the exclusion of information about costs, as the information is commercially sensitive and is part of the contractual relationship between terminal operators and transport operators.
Clear and unified approach at European level:
From FEPORT’s point of view, EU ports need a clear and unified approach at EU level. FEPORT calls for avoiding that divergences in national policy frameworks bring distortion in the level playing field.
FEPORT welcomes art.3a of the revision as it requires Member States to adopt a national policy framework aimed at achieving a cost reduction of 10% for combined transport operations. However, it should be clearly clarified that direct support should exclude distortions of the level playing field.
It is a positive signal that Member States are allowed to adapt planning and rental conditions for the land dedicated to intermodal transhipment terminal development. But support should be granted only if there is market demand for a new terminal.
05.02.2024 – Commission adopts Industrial Carbon Management Communication – Brussels
On the 5th of February, the EU Commission adopted an Industrial Carbon Management Communication, which provides details on how technologies could contribute to reducing emissions by 90% by 2040 and reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
At the heart of this initiative is the creation of a unified CO2 market in Europe, along with the development of CO2 transport and storage infrastructure. Furthermore, the strategy includes the assessment of the volume of CO2 to be removed from the atmosphere and the creation of a favourable environment for carbon management projects.
Funding mechanisms, such as the Innovation Fund and the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), will play a key role in realising these objectives.
The entire communication here.
08-09.02.2024 – Green marine vessels summit – Hamburg
On the 9th of February, Mr. Maarten Boot, Policy Advisor at FEPORT provided the closing address at the Green Marine vessels Summit. The Green Marine Vessels Summit focussed on the energy transition of the maritime sector, focussing in particular on electrification.
In his presentation, Mr. Boot provided an overview of the challenges and opportunities that terminal operators are facing as a consequence of the EU’s environmental and climate legislation, in particular those proposals and regulations that are part of the “Fit for 55” and the “Greening Freight” packages.
Speaking about opportunities, Mr. Boot underlined how EU climate legislation incentivises the greening of terminal equipment and operations, while also requiring emission reductions from shipping.
Some aspects of the EU climate legislation, however, could possibly negatively affect cargo flows to and investments in EU ports and terminals. When EU ports’ competitiveness is jeopardized, Mr. Boot stressed, companies will be less likely to invest, including into green solutions, meaning that also the green transition is at stake.
13.02.2024 – Dialogue on ETS at the European Parliament – Brussels
On the 13th of February, MEP Caroline Nagtegaal and Dutch Royal Shipowners’ Association (KVNR) organized a roundtable regarding the implementation of EU ETS Maritime to which FEPORT and other trade associations were invited.
The event was attended by maritime and port industry stakeholders, civil society and institutional stakeholders such as from the European Commission (DG MOVE and DG CLIMA) and the Dutch ministry of infrastructure and water management.
Important topics discussed included the reporting requirements for shipping companies, the refusal of some non-EU companies to participate in the EU’s scheme as well as the possible inclusion of ships below 5,000 GT.
The impact of ETS maritime on ports was also extensively discussed. FEPORT took the occasion to underline that possible impacts on the competitive position of ports in the EU should not be overlooked. ETS maritime also partially applies to voyages involving ports outside the EU, meaning its costs can be avoided if ports in the EU are replaced by non-EU ones. These concerns are particularly pressing for ports serving transhipment and relay traffic.
FEPORT therefore urged the Commission to closely monitor the impacts of ETS maritime on ports, underlining that measures should be taken immediately in case a negative impact is indeed established. Also shifts in investment flows should be thoroughly monitored.
14.02.2024 – TRAN Committee backs deal on new guidelines for TEN-T network - Brussels
On the 14th of February, the TRAN Committee approved the provisional agreement, which was reached in December 2023 between Parliament and Council negotiators, on updated guidelines for the trans-European transport network (TEN-T).
MEPs advocated for a stronger emphasis on intermodal transport, particularly focusing on rail, inland waterways, and short-sea shipping. The new regulations will prioritize electrified railways within the core TEN-T network, enabling speeds of 160 km/h for passenger rail and 100 km/h for freight.
According to the agreed text, EU member states have committed to completing significant transport infrastructure projects on the core TEN-T network by the end of 2030 and on a comprehensive network by 2050. The primary objective is to address bottlenecks and enhance connectivity across the EU.
The next step involves the full House's approval of the provisional agreement on TEN-T rules, which will probably take place during the April plenary session in Strasbourg.
16.02.2024 – Waterborne Technology Platform adopts long-term strategy with focus on technology leadership – Brussels
The long-term strategy of the Waterborne Technology Platform focuses on strengthening its leading position as a global frontrunner in developing and implementing innovative technologies.
On 15 February, the General Assembly of the Waterborne Technology Platform confirmed its long-term strategy, focusing on technology leadership in the waterborne sector. Technology leadership means being a frontrunning in enabling transformation, which entails developing and deploying competitive solutions to mitigate climate change, providing the capability to become climate resilient, eliminate all harmful pollutants, improve working conditions and create new jobs, and stimulate economic prosperity.
During the coming years, digitalisation and sustainability, in particular circularity and competitiveness, will be the key focus areas of the activities conducted by the Waterborne Technology Platform. Competitiveness stands for utilising the results of research, development and innovation, as well as deploying new technologies and concepts, to maintain the leading position of the European waterborne sector in the relevant technology areas. In addition, it refers to the capabilities and potential of the waterborne transport sector in comparison with other modes of transport.
To facilitate research, development and deployment of innovations, the Waterborne TP will explore relevant European funding mechanisms. This will create more opportunities to co-finance activities, and ideally leads to a pipeline of funding mechanisms to introduce new technologies and concepts in the market.
Eero Lehtovaara, Chair of the Board of Directors, Waterborne TP, said: “The members of the Waterborne Technology Platform encompass a broad knowledge base, which constitutes and drives technology leadership. Research, development and deployment of innovations continue to play a key role in maintaining and strengthening our position as frontrunner. Our long-term vision is to support the final steps of undertaking RD&I to be able to implement end products in the market. Dedicated funding streams co-financed by the EU and/or Member States to foster the last steps of RD&I, including specific emphasis on the inclusion of small and medium- sized enterprises in these activities, will be essential to deploy innovations in as an early stage as possible.”
Please find the entire Press release here.
19.02.2024 – Council launches EUNAVOR ASPIDES in the Red Sea and the Gulf – Brussels
As of October 2023, several Houthi attacks have targeted vessels in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman, jeopardising the life of civilians on merchant and commercial vessels and violating the freedom of the high seas and of the right of transit passage.
In response, on the 19th of February, the Council launched EUNAVFOR ASPIDES, a defensive maritime security operation aimed at restoring and safeguarding freedom of navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf.
The operation will ensure an EU naval presence in the areas above-mentioned and will provide maritime situational awareness, accompany vessels, and protect them against possible multi-domain attacks at sea.
20.02.2024 – G7 Transport Ministerial welcomes EU maritime operation to safeguard Red Sea maritime security
On the 20th of February, the G7 Transport Ministers strongly condemned attacks by the Houthis on commercial and navy ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. They emphasized that these actions violate international law, endanger lives, and threaten navigational rights.
The EU's maritime operation "Aspides" was welcomed for its role in enhancing maritime security. Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, stressed the importance of coordination and information sharing to safeguard maritime corridors and ensure smooth freight transport.
The attacks have disrupted navigation and posed threats to vessel security, leading to route diversions, increased transit times, and disruptions to global supply chains. The joint statement was made at an extraordinary meeting attended by G7 Transport Ministers, including Commissioner Vălean and counterparts from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
21.02.2024 – Moving forward together: what's next for EU mobility & transport? – Brussels
On the 21st of February 2024, FEPORT participated in a full-day academic conference organized in collaboration with the Florence School of Regulation and the EU Commission's Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE). Held at the Charlemagne building in Brussels, the event brought together key stakeholders to discuss the current state and future prospects of EU transport policy.
The conference was opened by Magda Kopczynska, DG MOVE’s Director-General, accompanied by other Directors from the Transport Directorate, and Herald Ruijters, Deputy Director-General at DG MOVE.
The discussion was based on the state of play on EU transport policy and the challenges and priorities for the future of EU transport and mobility. This conference has provided input to the next Commission’s priorities in the transport and mobility field.
The conference comprised three sessions, each offering different perspectives on shaping the next roadmap for the transport sector:
- Session 1: Filling the gaps – delivering e deeper, more competitive and better connected Union
- Session 2: An inclusive twin transition in the field of transport – mission possible
- Session 3: Towards a wider Europe – revisiting our transport agenda in a changed geopolitical context
Throughout these sessions, speakers and attendees engaged in discussions covering various themes, including:
- EU enlargement
- Weaponization
- Competitiveness
- Resilience
- How connectivity can be instrumental to geopolitics
- Whether it will be for EU companies to remain competitive in spite of additional costs resulting from the implementation of climate related legislation.
DG MOVE reiterated its commitment to taking these insights into account, underscoring the Commission's responsiveness to the feedback received from stakeholders.
21.02.2024 – Commission presents new initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow – Brussels
On February 21st, 2024, the EU Commission presented a set of possible actions to foster the innovation, security and resilience of digital infrastructures. The future competitiveness of Europe's economy depends on these advanced digital network infrastructures and services, since fast, secure, and widespread connectivity is essential for the deployment of the technologies that will bring us into tomorrow's world: telemedicine, automated driving, predictive maintenance of buildings, or precision agriculture.
The White Paper on “How to master Europe's digital infrastructure needs?” analyses the challenges Europe currently faces in the rollout of future connectivity networks, and presents possible scenarios to attract investments, foster innovation, increase security, and achieve a true Digital Single Market.
The Recommendation on the security and resilience of submarine cable infrastructures presents a set of actions at national and EU level aimed at improving submarine cable security and resilience, through a better coordination across the EU, both in terms of governance and funding.
The White Paper envisages the creation of a “Connected Collaborative Computing” Network (“3C Network”) to set up end-to-end integrated infrastructures and platforms for telco cloud and edge, which could be used to orchestrate the development of innovative technologies and AI applications for various use cases.
It is also essential to better leverage synergies between existing initiatives, such as the IPCEI on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services, and funding programmes such as the Connecting Europe Facility and Digital Europe. This could include a possible coordinating role for the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) to support the creation of a collaborative connectivity and computing ecosystem.
Moreover, the EU wishes to realise the full potential of the digital single market for telecoms, by considering measures to ensure a true level playing field and to rethink the scope of application and objectives of its current regulatory framework. This could entail a more harmonised approach to authorisation procedures of telecoms operators, a more integrated governance at Union level for spectrum and possible changes in wholesale access policy.
As an immediate action responding to calls from Member States and stakeholders, the Recommendation seeks to improve coordination within the EU, for instance by assessing and mitigating security risks, establishing a Cable Security Toolbox, and streamlining procedures for permit granting. Moreover, to support the follow-up of the Recommendation, the Commission is setting up the Submarine Cable Infrastructure Expert Group, composed of Member States' authorities.
The public consultation on 12 scenarios set out in the White Paper will close on 30 June 2024.
22.02.2024 – Maritime and Port Industry Stakeholders welcome the IMCO vote on UCC Reform – Brussels
On the 22nd of February, the European Parliament’s Internal Market Committee (IMCO) adopted its report on the reform of the Union Customs Code (UCC). This core economic legislation determines the efficiency, resilience and competitiveness of the EU’s external border for trade. More than ever getting that right is vital for the EU’s businesses and citizens. Ninety percent of the EU’s external trade relies on shipping, making it vital that the UCC is well adapted to this strategic sector. The UCC needs to facilitate maritime transport, including by enabling efficient goods storage in ports, thus enabling the seamless connection of maritime transport to hinterland logistics chains.
European shippers, ports, terminal operators, ship agents and shipping lines, are grateful for the important progress made by the IMCO Committee and the attention given to the maritime and port sector’s concerns. We urge the European Commission and Council to take on board these views and to work together with industry to address other outstanding issues to better support Europe’s maritime trade.
The position of MEPs to oppose the proposed revision of current rules for the temporary storage of goods in EU ports is particularly welcome. The EC proposal to slash the maximum duration of temporary storage from 90 days to 3 days, is impractical for shipping, imposing significant administrative burdens and reducing the efficiency of EU ports to handle, import, export and transhipment cargo. The IMCO amendments would maintain a well-adapted current legal framework that remains fit for purpose.
However, other issues still need to be addressed. Major new IT systems and entry processes are to be launched this year for shipping, including the transformational cargo security system, ICS 2. For as long as these new processes and IT systems remain in operation the existing legal basis on which preparations, investments and their functioning depend, must be legally maintained. This was missing from the EC proposal.
The Committee’s amendments partially solve the problem by proposing to extend existing rules and data requirements related to UCC ‘electronic systems’. However, legal certainty for processes such as cargo security go well beyond the electronic systems. The legal obligations on entities and authorities must also be legally maintained too. This should be urgently remedied.
As Maritime and Port Industry Stakeholders, we welcome the overall direction of the UCC reform towards a more harmonised customs union, reducing economic drag on Europe’s maritime commerce. The proposed EU Customs Data Hub, the EU Maritime Single Window Environment and the Customs Single Window must all be seamlessly integrated to deliver benefits. These points are critical for EU importers, exporters, ports, terminals, agents and shipping lines alongside a legally certain transition and a customs code that is well adapted to Europe’s critical maritime trade.
We stand ready to find solutions and support the efforts of the EC, MEPs and Member States to establish the smart, safe, and competitive Customs Union that the EU, its citizens and businesses need.
22.02.2024 – IMCO votes on the EU customs reform – Brussels
The Internal Market Committee (IMCO) on the 22nd of February adopted its position on the reform of the EU Customs Code to alleviate pressure on customs authorities due to the increase in e-commerce and new product standards.
The reform aims to simplify procedures, improve data processing, create a platform for informants and facilitate trade, especially for SMEs. MEPs called for an early launch of the EU DataHub as a pilot project and a separate platform for whistleblowers. The rapporteur also emphasised the need for efficient customs procedures in a context of growing trade volumes. The draft report received strong support in the committee and will move to plenary for further consideration.
FEPORT stresses the need for effective customs warehousing rules to reduce the administrative burden for EU terminals and maintain the resilience of supply and welcomes IMCO decision to restore the time limit for temporary storage to 90 days but stresses the need for effective rules for customs warehousing. These rules should enable EU terminals to reduce unnecessary administrative burdens while remaining resilient and adaptable in the face of potential future supply chain disruptions.
22.02.2024 – Biden administration announces future investment of $20 billion in port cybersecurity – United States
A 2023 report by the Department of Transportation Maritime Administration, underscores the vulnerability of American ports to cyber threats, citing the multitude of contractors and stakeholders operating within them.
This vulnerability led Biden administration to announce a $20 billion investment over the next five years in new port infrastructure, with a focus on US-made cranes to mitigate cybersecurity and counterintelligence risks. The executive order aims to improve marine cybersecurity by ensuring that all vital port infrastructure complies with international and industry safety standards.
PACECO Corp., a US subsidiary of Mitsui E&S Co., Ltd (Japan), plans to increase crane production capacity domestically.
28.02.2024 – 72nd meeting of the Stakeholders Advisory Group on Maritime Security – Brussels
On the 28th of February, FEPORT attended the 72nd meeting of Stakeholders Advisory Group on Maritime Security (SAGMAS).
Part of the discussion concerned an update gave by the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) regarding the production of EU standards for private security companies, the European training manual for maritime security personnel and the European Port alliance.
Another topic on the agenda was the discussions focussed on shipping security, with presentations being provided on piracy, focussing on the latest trends when it comes to attacks and incidents world-wide.
29.02.2024 – Commission Roundtable on the mobility transition pathway – Brussels
On February 29th, 2024, FEPORT participated to a roundtable organized by DG GROW on the topic of the mobility transition pathway.
Initially introduced by the 2021 EU Industrial Strategy, the transition pathway was designed as a co-creation process between the European Commission, EU countries' authorities, industry and stakeholders, to help identify the green and digital transition’s main challenges and opportunities as well as possible forward-looking solutions and commitments for the mobility ecosystem.
The event has been the occasion to present and discuss the transition pathway for the mobility ecosystem co-created with industry and civil society.
At the same time, the event was also kick-starting the co-implementation process with a call for stakeholders’ pledges to underpin the actions of the transition pathway.
Member’s News Corner
19.02.2024 – Metrans acquires 100% of Aria Rail
Metrans, the rail subsidiary of HHLA, has expanded its European network by acquiring 100% ownership of Adria Rail Group, operating in Serbia and Croatia. Adria Rail provides rail transport services from the Adriatic region to Central and South-Eastern Europe, covering 70% of container transport to and from Serbia via Croatia.
Previously owning 51% of Adria Rail Group since March 2023, Metrans has now acquired full ownership. Metrans' European network spans the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Adriatic, and Black Sea, with over 650 regular rail connections per week.
Metrans' commitment to climate protection includes investments in modern electric locomotives, green electricity, and electric cranes at inland terminals, aligning with HHLA Group's aim for climate-neutral production by 2040.
Events supported by FEPORT
06.03.2024 - IMLI's 35th Academic Year - Malta
12/12.03.2024 - Transport Week – Gdynia
02/05.04.2023 - Connecting Europe days 2024 - Brussels
11.04.2024 - Port and terminal seminar - Rotterdam
11-13.06.2024 - TOC Europe 2024 – Rotterdam
FEPORT meetings
11.04.2024 Board of Directors - Brussels
14.05.2024 Environment, Safety and Security Committee - Brussels
30.05.2024 Port Policy Committee – Antwerp
30-31.05.2024 General Assembly meeting - Antwerp
04.06.2024 Customs and Logistics Committee - Brussels
11.06.2024 Social Affairs Committee – Brussels
09.09.2024 Customs and Logistics Committee - Brussels
10.09.2024 Environment, Safety and Security Committee - Brussels
19.09.2024 Port Policy Committee – Brussels
26.09.2024 Board of Directors - Brussels
17.10.2024 Social Affairs Committee – Brussels
27.11.2024 General Assembly Meeting – Brussels
28.11.2024 FEPORT Eighth Annual Stakeholders’ Conference – Brussels
Parliament meetings
04.03.2024 TRAN Committee Meeting – Brussels
04.03.2024 ITRE Committee Meeting - Brussels
07.03.2024 ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels
07.03.2024 INTA Committee Meeting – Brussels
18.03.2024 EMPL Committee Meeting - Brussels
19.03.2024 EMPL Committee Meeting – Brussels
19.03.2024 ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels
20-21.03.2024 TRAN Committee Meeting - Brussels
20-21.03.2024 ITRE Committee Meeting - Brussels
20-21.03.2024 INTA Committee Meeting - Brussels
Council of the EU meetings
04.03.2024 TTE Council – Brussels
25.03.2024 ENV Council – Brussels
03.04.2024 TTE Council – Brussels
11.04.2024 TTE Council – Brussels
17.06.2024 ENV Council – Brussels
FEPORT Newsletter - February 2024