Press Release
Declaration on the elimination of violence and harassment against female port workers
Whereas non-discrimination and equality between women and men are among the European Union’s founding values;
Whereas the SSDCP adopted on 23 October 2014 its recommendations on Women’s Employment in the Port Sector, among which the elimination of discrimination and harassment at work place between men and women is mentioned;
Whereas according to the 2014 EU-wide survey on the violence against women (1) an estimated one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15 and every second woman (55 %) has been confronted with one or more forms of sexual harassment;
Whereas a survey by the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) on workplace violence against women transport workers (2) - to which more than 1,400 women transport workers from across Europe contributed – confirms that women working in the transport sector are confronted with abuse, threats, intimidation and offensive behaviour;
Whereas the European Commission launched on 27 November 2017 the EU Platform for Change – Women in Transport to strengthen women’s employment and equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector;
Whereas the Directive 2002/73/EC provides legal framework for the fight against discrimination in workplace, including harassment and sexual harassment;
The Social Partners renew their commitment to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women at work in ports and they:
- Pledge their strong commitment to further pursue their work on strengthening women’s employment and gender mainstreaming inports with the aim to:
- Promote a workplace culture in which women are treated as equals and workers treat one another with respect;
- Fight discrimination and ensure that women are entitled to equal access to jobs and professions in ports as well as to equal working conditions as men. - Strongly recommend that the issue of the gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace is incorporated into workplace culture and a zero tolerance principle is implemented at company and union level.
- Request the European Commission and the EU Platform for Change Members to treat the issue of violence and harassment against women transport workers as a priority, and to identify and share good practices in preventing violence and harassment.
- Recognise elimination of violence and harassment against women as a part of the effort for a safe and healthy working environment.
- Acknowledge the role of the workplace information and training for raising awareness and helping prevention of both workplace and domestic gender-based violence and harassment.
- Call on those EU Member States who have not yet ratified Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) to speed up the ratification process.
- Urge the EU Member States and the European Commission to support the adoption of an ILO Convention on violence and harassment against women and men in the world of work, accompanied by a Recommendation.
- Urges that every effort be made so that this declaration will become generally known and respected.
7 March 2017
1. Violence against women: an EU-wide survey. Main results report, FRA, 2014
2. Violence against women at work in transport, ETF, 2017
For more information, please contact:
Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid
Secretary General of FEPORT
T: +32 2 736 75 52
Declaration on the elimination of violence and harassment against female port workers