Press Release

Terminal Industry Committee 4.0 (TIC 4.0) members agree on governance and roadmap


Brussels, September 24th, 2018



Representatives of 19 companies regrouping global container terminal operators and their equipment and solutions suppliers held their 1st plenary meeting at the offices of PSA Antwerp on September 18, 2018.

All attendees reiterated the importance for the container terminal industry to embrace the 4th industrial revolution and the wish that the open group that they have established is joined by other corporate players of the industry.

The plenary meeting, adopted an initial set of governance rules and a roadmap for the Committee. Fundación ValenciaPort has been retained to provide back office support in the organization and documentation of Committee’s meetings and activities.

Mr Boris Wenzel, Terminal Link was elected as Chairman, Mr Frank Kho was appointed as the Coordinator of TIC 4.0, and a steering committee has been formed to also include FEPORT (The Federation of European Private Port Companies and Terminals) and PEMA (The Port Equipment Manufacturers Association).

FEPORT and PEMA will support the work of the Chairman and the Coordinator, and be responsible for the communication regarding TIC 4.0 activities and objectives.

Mr Boris Wenzel said: “The logistics chain calls for a closer technical interaction between terminals and manufacturers to engage discussions on the elaboration of industry standards that will favor the development of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and further technological innovations for the whole sector”.

“The first objective of TIC 4.0 (Terminal Industry Committee 4.0) will be to delineate a corpus of definitions regarding concepts and technical terminology that are specific to the container handling industry to facilitate comparatives about technical specifications for equipment, bring about objective measures of performance of equipment and constitute an important milestone towards the elaboration of standards for the industry to achieve further efficiencies” added Mr Frank Kho. 

“This plenary meeting constitutes a historical concrete first step in engaging on the challenging path of creating standards for our industry. With today’s endorsement of the TIC 4.0 initiative and the first terms of reference that have been adopted, we have a good framework to get started, and there is clearly a lot of work ahead of us. The passion and positive energy that came out from the debates efficiently moderated by Frank, coupled with the valuable support of FEPORT and PEMA should make us all optimistic about achieving our goals” concluded TIC 4.0 Chairman, Mr Boris Wenzel.

“Both PEMA and FEPORT reiterate their endorsement of this very significant initiative and hope that proactivity will pay and make the industry move forward” commented Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, FEPORT Secretary General and Mr Ottonel Popesco, PEMA President.

Monthly meetings of sub-groups dealing with safety, performance of equipment, telemetrics, energy and environment will be organized as from October 2018.


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Frank Kho:
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Mr. Boris Wenzel, Managing Director of Terminal Link
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 Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, Secretary General of FEPORT:
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 Mr. Ottonel Popesco, President and Chairman of the Board of PEMA:
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