Press Release

TRAN Committee Vote on European Maritime Single Window Environment Regulation


Brussels, 4 March 2019

FEPORT welcomes TRAN Committee adoption of Provision Agreement on proposal for a Regulation establishing a European Maritime Single Window Environment.

FEPORT welcomes the European Parliament’s TRAN (Transport and Tourism) Committees adoption of the EMSWe (European Maritime Single Window environment) Regulation. FEPORT believes that the agreement provides a sound basis for reducing the administrative burden on ships whilst also respecting existing investments in reporting channels.

FEPORT strongly believes that the focus of the provisional agreement on data harmonization is the right approach and the best means by which to reduce the administrative burden on ship calls.

FEPORT also welcomes that the provisional agreement remains technology neutral and thus ensures that potential new systems are not rapidly outdated by new developments, while at the same time ensuring industry does not need to needlessly re-invest in regulatory compliance and can instead focus on innovation and improved services.

Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, FEPORT Secretary General, stated that “the adoption of the provisional agreement is a good result for all actors in the maritime logistics chain. FEPORT believes it is a good, balanced approach which is a win-win for all involved in maritime logistics”.

Ms. Kerdjoudj-Belkaid concluded, “in particular, we would like to thank the rapporteur, Deirdre Clune, the Romanian Presidency and the European Commission for their good work in ensuring that we have arrived with a clear and “future-proof” legal framework for ship reporting formalities. We now call for the formal adoption of the Regulation by the European Parliament.


For more information, please contact:

Ms. Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, Secretary General of FEPORT
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Mr. Conor Feighan, Policy Advisor FEPORT
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