2021, the European Year of Rail Freight too...


editorial january 2021


Mid-December 2020, during its plenary session, the European Parliament sent a strong signal[1] through the adoption of 2021 as the European Year of Rail. The European Year of Rail will support the European Commission’s “Climate Law” which proposes setting a binding target of reaching net-zero carbon by 2050.

FEPORT, as many other sister organizations who believe in the capacity of rail to contribute to Europe’s economic and climate related goals, welcomes this decision and hopes that the European Year of Rail will be a real occasion to finally deliver a legal framework that also meets the needs of all rail supporters. Many of them do indeed consider that rail freight must improve its modal share to significantly reduce freight transport emissions. Yet, the realization of the global objective requires that other freight transport emissions are addressed as well.

Achieving a balanced modal shift through an increase of rail freight should remain a priority for the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. The Strategy sets out a clear objective of increasing rail freight volumes by 50% by 2030 and doubling rail freight volumes by 2050. This will be possible if and only if some essential legislative revisions take place, if legislators and Member States remain ambitious and if national regulators are also concretely supportive of the above-mentioned objectives.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic, and the subsequent availability of infrastructure capacity due to low demand for rail passenger transport, has shown that when rail freight has access to a good quantity and quality of capacity, it can provide a reliable and customer orientated service. This positive contribution needs to be encouraged in the framework of the Year of Rail’s related upcoming legislation.

There is urgency to move from an acknowledgement of the advantages of rail to discussing how cargo and goods can be successfully moved to rail.

What is needed now is to discuss with all public and private stakeholders, how rail freight can become a sustainable alternative and what needs to become more attractive to users. It is also crucial to keep in mind that rail tracks can also connect EU ports to the hinterland and that private port companies and terminals are ready to propose and invest in rail solutions provided that the legal framework sets clear and attractive rules.

FEPORT members are strong supporters of green intermodal solutions connecting ports to the hinterland. They are therefore in favour of a regulatory framework for rail freight which concretely considers the diversity of operators which propose rail freight services.

The Year of Rail must reflect the diversity of the European rail freight industry and the expectations of rail users. Non-incumbent operators who account for, on average, 31% of European rail freight national markets[2] have played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have kept supply chains operational and produced significant efforts to increase the rail freight market share.

FEPORT welcomes the inclusion in the Smart and Sustainable Mobility Strategy of a revision of the Rail Freight Corridors Regulation and the TEN-T Regulation as these two Regulations need to be addressed together given their mutual importance to one another. It will be essential to address the issue of capacity management during the impact assessment of the Rail Freight Corridors Regulation. The revision must also introduce clear rights for rail freight when operating on the corridors. For instance, legislation should guarantee that when a freight train is respecting its schedule, its operations should not be disturbed to accommodate other types of traffic. Rail freight can only perform seamlessly across borders if rights are defined at international level. This will be a crucial success factor leading to an increase of rail freight volumes by 50% by 2030.

FEPORT believes that if the set of rules applying to environmentally friendly modes such as rail become “real incentives” for modal shift then this will have cascading positive effects on cargo velocity and the reduction of emissions in ports. Therefore, FEPORT calls on regulators to keep in mind the necessity to adopt more “business friendly” pieces of legislation which do not impose cumbersome administrative requirements that discourage private port companies and terminals from investing into rail services.


[1] The decision was adopted with 684 votes in favour (9 against, 2 abstentions)
[2] According to ERFA





10.12.2020 The Future of Customs in the EU 2040

On the 10th of December 2020, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) published a report on the Future of Customs in the EU 2040, the results of a foresight project exploring how the world might look by 2040, and how policymakers can take actions now to ensure the EU Customs Union continues to benefit citizens, the environment and the economy.

The report outlines four scenarios of how customs in the EU could look like in 2040. Furthermore, the exploration of the scenarios and insights from the process fed into a vision-building process, which resulted in a co-created vision for EU Customs in 2040.

the future of customs in the eu 2040

The foresight process also included a first reflection on how the vision can be reached and a number of recommendations were outlined:

  • Harmonising national IT systems or moving to one EU IT system in the mid to long-term, in order to enable customs operations to function efficiently.
  • Making the most effective use of customs data and leveraging technological advancements.
  • Ensuring the right digital skills for the future of customs across all EU Member States.
  • Driving reforms at the international level through a strong, united European position.
  • Creating a joint governance structure to manage the Customs Union.

The findings of the foresight process fed into the Commission’s Customs Action Plan, which puts forward a vision and a plan of ambitious actions to take the Customs Union to the next level. These actions, to be achieved in the period up to 2025, are intended as a first step towards the 2040 vision.


25.12.2020 Commission proposes Brexit Adjustment Reserve

On the 25th of December 2020, the European Commission released its Proposal for a Brexit Adjustment Reserve to help counter Brexit’s adverse economic and social consequences.

As agreed by the European Council in July, the Reserve will have an overall budget of €5 billion. Besides supporting businesses and employment in affected sectors, it can also assist public administrations in ensuring the proper functioning of border, customs, sanitary and phytosanitary controls.

brexit adjustment reserve

Distributed in two rounds, the Brexit Adjustment Reserve will be rapid and flexible, and will cover expenditure in any Member State over a period of 30 months.

The Reserve can support measures such as:

  • Support to economic sectors, businesses and local communities, including those dependent on fishing activities in the UK waters.
  • Support to employment, including through short-time work schemes, re-skilling and training.
  • Ensuring the functioning of border, customs, sanitary and phytosanitary and security controls, fisheries control, certification and authorisation regimes for products, communication, information and awareness raising for citizens and businesses.


01.01.2021 – EU/UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

After intensive negotiations, the European Commission reached on December 24th, 2020 an agreement with the United Kingdom on the terms of its future cooperation with the European Union.

The draft Trade and Cooperation Agreement consists of three main pillars:

A Free Trade Agreement:   a new economic and social partnership with the United Kingdom

  • The agreement covers not just trade in goods and services, but also a broad range of other areas in the EU's interest, such as investment, competition, State aid, tax transparency, air and road transport, energy and sustainability, fisheries, data protection, and social security coordination.
  • It provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin.
  • Both parties have committed to ensuring a robust level playing field by maintaining high levels of protection in areas such as environmental protection, the fight against climate change and carbon pricing, social and labour rights, tax transparency and State aid, with effective, domestic enforcement, a binding dispute settlement mechanism and the possibility for both parties to take remedial measures.
  • The EU and the UK agreed on a new framework for the joint management of fish stocks in EU and UK waters. The UK will be able to further develop British fishing activities, while the activities and livelihoods of European fishing communities will be safeguarded, and natural resources preserved.
  • On transport, the agreement provides for continued and sustainable air, road, rail and maritime connectivity, though market access falls below what the Single Market offers. It includes provisions to ensure that competition between EU and UK operators takes place on a level playing field, so that passenger rights, workers' rights and transport safety are not undermined.
  • On energy, the agreement provides a new model for trading and interconnectivity, with guarantees for open and fair competition, including on safety standards for offshore, and production of renewable energy.
  • On social security coordination, the agreement aims at ensuring a number of rights of EU citizens and UK nationals. This concerns EU citizens working in, travelling or moving to the UK and to UK nationals working in, travelling or moving to the EU after 1st January 2021.
  • Finally, the agreement enables the UK's continued participation in a number of flagship EU programmes for the period 2021-2027 (subject to a financial contribution by the UK to the EU budget), such as Horizon Europe.

A new partnership for our citizens' security

A horizontal agreement on Governance:   A framework that stands the test of time

  • To give maximum legal certainty to businesses, consumers and citizens, a dedicated chapter on governance provides clarity on how the agreement will be operated and controlled. It also establishes a Joint Partnership Council, who will make sure the Agreement is properly applied and interpreted, and in which all arising issues will be discussed.
  • Binding enforcement and dispute settlement mechanisms will ensure that rights of businesses, consumers and individuals are respected. This means that businesses in the EU and the UK compete on a level playing field and will avoid either party using its regulatory autonomy to grant unfair subsidies or distort competition.
  • Both parties can engage in cross-sector retaliation in case of violations of the agreement. This cross-sector retaliation applies to all areas of the economic partnership.

Foreign policy, external security and defence cooperation is not covered by the Agreement as the UK did not want to negotiate this matter. As of 1 January 2021, there will therefore be no framework in place between the UK and the EU to develop and coordinate joint responses to foreign policy challenges, for instance the imposition of sanctions on third country nationals or economies.

The Trade and Cooperation Agreement covers a number of areas that are in the EU's interest. It goes well beyond traditional free trade agreements and provides a solid basis for preserving our longstanding friendship and cooperation. It safeguards the integrity of the Single Market and the indivisibility of the Four Freedoms (people, goods, services and capital). It reflects the fact that the UK is leaving the EU's ecosystem of common rules, supervision and enforcement mechanisms, and can therefore no longer enjoy the benefits of EU membership or the Single Market.  Nevertheless, the Agreement will by no means match the significant advantages that the UK enjoyed as a Member State of the EU.

The United Kingdom, as a former Member State, has extensive links with the Union in a wide range of economic and other areas. If there is no applicable framework regulating the relations between the Union and the United Kingdom after 31 December 2020, those relations will be significantly disrupted, to the detriment of individuals, businesses and other stakeholders.

The negotiations could only be finalised at a very late stage before the expiry of the transition period. Such late timing should not jeopardise the European Parliament's right of democratic scrutiny, in accordance with the Treaties.

Considering these exceptional circumstances, the Commission proposes to apply the Agreement on a provisional basis, for a limited period of time until 28 February 2021.


01.01.2021 2021 European Year of Rail

On January 1st 2021, the European Year of Rail finally began. The European Commission will put rail in the spotlight throughout 2021 via a number of activities across the continent, to encourage the use of rail by both citizens and businesses and to contribute to the EU Green Deal.

2021 will also represent an important step towards the Single European Railway Area as the 4th railway package will celebrate its first full implementation year, thus enshrining a more efficient European rail network with seamless mobility across borders.

2021 european year of rail

The Commission’s legislative agenda will also reflect the European Year of Rail, with proposals on a new rail industrial partnership, better links for rail with other modes of transport, and making freight transport more sustainable overall, as outlined in the Commission’s recently adopted Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.

On the same day, the European Commission also launched a website providing further information on the initiative, as well as an overview of planned activities.


01.01.2021 Portugal takes over EU Presidency

On January 1st, 2021, Portugal took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union from Germany and will lead the work at all levels of the Council for the next six months.

pt eu presidency

The Presidency work programme focuses on five main areas, which are in line with the goals of the EU’s strategic agenda: 

  • Strengthen Europe’s resilience.
  • Promote confidence in the European social model.
  • Promote a sustainable recovery.
  • Speed up a fair and inclusive digital transition.
  • Reaffirm the EU’s role in the world, ensuring that this is based on openness and multilateralism.

Moreover, the work programme defines three main priorities, broken down to a number of action points, under the motto “Time to deliver: for a fair, green and digital recovery”:

  1. Promote Europe's recovery, leveraged by the climate and digital transitions. The Portuguese presidency will focus on implementing the European Green Deal and the commitments to reduce emissions in the fight against climate change, and strengthening the energy transition, sustainable mobility and the blue (ocean) economy.
  2. Implement the Social Pillar of the European Union as a key element for ensuring a fair and inclusive climate and digital transition. The Portuguese presidency will support the creation of a European Health Union, strengthening capacity to respond to public health crises and efforts to produce and distribute safe vaccines accessible throughout Europe and the rest of the world.
  3. Strengthen Europe’s strategic autonomy keeping it open to the world. The Portuguese presidency will defend Europe’s autonomy on the basis of the development of a dynamic industrial strategy that promotes European value chains and pays particular attention to strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Portuguese presidency of the Council of the EU will focus on guiding the EU through the COVID-19 pandemic. It will promote a vision of the EU that is innovative, looks to the future and is based on common values of solidarity, convergence and cohesion.

In order to achieve this, Portugal is committed to playing a positive and flexible role in order to act positively, promote cooperation, achieve tangible results in economic recovery and lead the European Union out of the crisis.


11.01.2021 EP TRAN discusses INI on Technical and operational measures for more efficient and cleaner maritime transport

On the 11th of January, the TRAN Committee met to discuss its own initiative draft report on the technical and operational measures for more efficient and cleaner maritime transport.

Among the issues discussed were the social aspects of maritime transport, moving away from fossil fuels, as well as the role of the IMO and international organisations and the ETS.

MEP Delli, TRAN Chair and INI rapporteur, noted that, on this particular file, maritime transport is put at the heart of the fight against climate change. The social aspect must also be taken into account and the decarbonisation strategy needs to be fair and not forget job creation schemes.


MEP Tax reiterated the importance of ensuring good working conditions for sea farers and a smooth transition towards the use of sustainable alternative fuels.

Moreover, she stated that EU action on maritime transport should not depend on the IMO and that maritime transport should be included in the ETS. Finally, it is pivotal to make sure that EU funding is not used for fossil fuels and polluting technologies.

MEP Nagtegaal affirmed the importance to preserve the European competitiveness as a whole and emphasised the necessity to finance zero-emission investments and green infrastructure.

Mrs Kopczynska, DG MOVE, referred to the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy and to the basket of measures for clean energy in the maritime transport sector. These measures will be particularly aiming at having zero emissions vessels arriving at EU ports. Finally, Mrs Kopczynska highlighted how crucial the social dimension is and how important it is for the EU to lead in working with international organisations, both IMO and ILO, to make shipping greener and more sustainable.


14.01.2021 EP Intergroup webinar “Sustainable mobility: Powering climate action”

On the 14th of January, FEPORT Secretariat attended a webinar of the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” entitled “Sustainable mobility: Powering climate action”.

In her opening statement, MEP Maria Spyraki declared that a smart and sustainable transformation of the transport sector could offer great opportunities for a systemic change.

From DG MOVE, Mr. Herald Ruijters stated that the European Green Deal strategy is putting forward 3 key objectives, namely, to build back a smarter, more sustainable and resilient Europe. He further stressed that the revision of the TEN-T would be accompanied by the Trans European Energy Network (TEN-E) revision proposal and the new ETS proposal.

Ms. Julia Poliscanova, from T&E, stated that carbon pricing is definitely needed and should be improved in the shipping sector. Integrating the shipping sector into the EU ETS would have negligible costs. Electrofuels and hydrogen are adequate alternatives to fossil fuels as they are renewable energies. Finally, Ms. Poliscanova presented a number of viable solutions that could encourage the use of zero emission vehicles such as renewing corporate fleets and implementing adequate infrastructures and European policies that could alleviate national regulatory barriers.


18.01.2021 Commission report on EU Strategy and Action Plan on Customs Risk Management

On the 18th of January, the Commission published its third report on the implementation of the EU Strategy and Action Plan on Customs Risk Management, which, together with the accompanying Staff Working Document, provides a picture of the state of implementation of the EU’s current customs risk management strategy and action plan as of end-2020.

The two documents show that significant progress has been made in the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan since the publication of the previous report, both, by the Member States and the Commission. Member States have used the strategy to improve the management of customs risks and attribute many positive achievements to it. This includes increased awareness of risk management within national administrations and enhanced support for making risk management a bigger priority.

Despite this progress, there is a need to further strengthen procedures and obligations under the current framework. This includes:

  • Making better use of existing data to enable more and better risk analysis.
  • More effective procedures to deal with the increasing amount of goods arriving through e-commerce.
  • Clearer rules.
  • A more stringent control response by Member States when risks have been identified at EU level and communicated to Member States.
  • More systematic cooperation with other authorities.
  • Better monitoring systems for AEOs.

At the same time, customs authorities need to provide proactive and innovative responses to address new challenges that jeopardise traditional customs risk management and control approaches Risk analysis remains a crucial element of the efficiency of customs controls enabling customs authorities to target controls in a situation where the growing volume and pace of trade necessitate an even more selective and targeted approach.


19.01.2021 Commission establishes EU-UK Agreements Service

To support the efficient and rigorous implementation and monitoring of the Agreements with the UK, the European Commission has decided to establish a new Service for the EU-UK Agreements (UKS).

The UKS will be part of the presidential services' Secretariat-General and will be operational as of the 1st of March 2021, the date on which the Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom (UKTF) will cease to exist. The mandate and duration of the newly created service will be reviewed on a continuous basis. The UKS will closely cooperate with the HRVP.

Michel Barnier will become Special Adviser to President von der Leyen as of 1 February 2021. He will advise the President on the implementation of the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement and provide expertise in view of the finalisation of the EU's ratification process of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.


25.01.2021 ALICE-ESC Collaboration Workshop

On the 25th of January, FEPORT Secretariat attended a collaboration workshop organised by European Technology Platform ALICE and the European Shippers Council. This workshop consisted of two main parts.

First, a presentation was given regarding the ICONET project, a Horizon 2020 project which has been ongoing since September 2018 and will run for 30 months. Actors from various segments of the logistics chain participate in ICONET, such as: port authorities, shippers, freight forwarders and warehouse companies.

The project’s goal is to significantly extend and improve upon the state of the art and R&D around the Physical Internet (PI) in view of creating PI-services capable of optimising cargo flows. Part of the project’s focus is to transform the TEN-T corridors into PI-enabled Internet of Things (IOT) based corridors.

Moreover, some aspects of the project focus on rail, seeking to increase the market share of rail through the application of PI and improved data-sharing. Equally, in the presentation it was explained how in the warehousing sector PI could contribute to improved stock-management. Finally, the need for an agreement on data-sharing and a data governance model was underlined.

The second part of the workshop left room for an interactive discussion between the participants. Questions that were touched upon related, for instance, to the levels of digitalization and data-sharing across the various companies as well as to what extent the companies participating in the workshop were advancing towards the physical intranet and what are the main elements of the Physical Internet.


25.01.2021 – 2021 European Railway Award

On the 25th of January, the 2021 European Railway Award was given to the iLINT project – the first commercial application of fuel-cell-powered passenger trains – for providing a viable emission-free alternative to diesel on non-electrified networks.

european railway award

At the heart of the event was the announcement of the 2021 European Railway Award, which the jury elected to give to the iLINT project. Resulting from a highly fruitful collaboration between Alstom and the public transport authority of Lower Saxony (LNVG), the Coradia iLINT is the world’s first passenger train for mainline operations powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. The project proves that alternative technologies can offer the same level of performance without generating greenhouse gasses and proves that a completely emission-free railway system is possible, enabling rail to remain the most environmentally friendly land transport mode.

The project specifically targeted low-density networks where previously, due to the high deployment and maintenance costs of traditional electrification, diesel was the only propulsion technology available for rail transport. After a successful pilot, LNVG will now replace its diesel fleet with one completely composed of fuel cell trains starting in 2022. Moreover, other operators and networks across the world are following in their footsteps with new confidence in fuel cell technology. As such, the project achieved a breakthrough in the pursuit of fully decarbonised rail transport.


28.01.2021 EU Commission prolongs and further expands Temporary Framework to support economy in context of coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has decided to prolong until 31 December 2021 the  State aid Temporary Framework  adopted on 19 March 2020 to support the economy in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The Commission has also decided to expand the scope of the Temporary Framework by increasing the ceilings set out in it and by allowing the conversion of certain repayable instruments into direct grants until the end of next year.

Increased aid ceilings

Taking into account the continued economic uncertainty and prolonged government measures to limit economic activity in order to stop the spread of the virus, the new amendment also increases the ceilings set out in the Temporary Framework for certain support measures:

  • With regard to limited amounts of aid granted under the Temporary Framework, the previous ceilings per company are now effectively doubled (taking into account the availability of de minimis support). The new ceilings are €225,000 per company active in the primary production of agricultural products (previously €100,000), €270,000 per company active in the fishery and aquaculture sector (previously €120,000), and €1.8 million per company active in all other sectors (previously €800,000). As before, these can be combined with de minimis aid of up to €200,000 per company (up to €30,000 per company operating in the fishery and aquaculture sector and up to €25,000 per company operating in the agriculture sector) over a period of three financial years, subject to complying with the requirements of the relevant de minimis.
  • For companies especially hit by the coronavirus crisis, with turnover losses of at least 30% during the eligible period compared to the same period of 2019, the State can contribute to the part of the fixed costs of companies that are not covered by their revenues, in an amount up to  €10 million per company  (previously €3 million).

Conversion of repayable instruments into direct grants

The Commission will also enable Member States to convert until 31 December 2022 repayable instruments (e.g. guarantees, loans, repayable advances) granted under the Temporary Framework into other forms of aid, such as direct grants, provided the conditions of the Temporary Framework are met. In principle, such conversion may not exceed the new ceilings for limited amounts of aid (€225,000 per company active in the primary production of agricultural products, €270,000 per company active in the fishery and aquaculture sector, and €1.8 million per company active in all other sectors). This aims to provide incentives for Member States to choose, in the first place, repayable instruments as a form of aid.

Extension of the temporary removal of all countries from the list of "marketable risk" countries under the Short-term export-credit insurance Communication

Finally, taking into account the continued general lack of sufficient private capacity to cover all economically justifiable risks for exports to countries from the list of marketable risk countries, the amendment provides for an extension until 31 December 2021 (currently until 30 June 2021) of the temporary removal of all countries from the list of "marketable risk" countries under the Short-term export-credit insurance Communication.



Members' News Corner


18.12.2020 DPW Antwerp Gateway starts 1M TEU expansion

DP World Antwerp Gateway is now starting the expansion of the terminal’s capacity by 1 million TEU by ordering 4 additional quay cranes and 17 Automatic Stacking Cranes (ASC) modules.

Antwerp Gateway currently uses 10 ASC modules, and the expansion plan comprises investments in 17 additional modules to convert and further automate the remaining traditional straddle carrier stacks. These fully automated modules operate on 100% green energy and the employment of the 17 additional ASC modules will allow to handle an extra 1 million TEUs on the same surface.

The expansion plan also includes the purchase of additional quay cranes, hybrid straddle carriers and a second rail crane to operate the rail tracks so that in the long term more containers can be transported in and out by rail. Finally, digital applications will be further developed.


21.12.2020 Bolloré Logistics opens its first Automotive Competence Centre

On the 1st of December 2020, Bolloré Logistics has set up a new Competence Centre to serve the automotive industry in Le Mans, France.

The new Centre will support customers with multimodal transport (air, maritime, road, rail), planning and specific agreements between Bolloré Logistics and its panel of transport companies, with real time cargo tracking and 24-7 alert management. In the future, the Centre will also coordinate end-to-end operations and align processes in the various regions of the Bolloré Logistics network, in particular against the backdrop of transport capacity shortages resulting from the health crisis.


23.12.2020 – AGCT Rijeka sets new record for container handling

On the 23rd of December 2020, Adriatic Gate Container Terminal (AGCT) reached 300,000 TEU, setting their new record in annual throughput handled at the Port of Rijeka.

A reliable intermodal product led to new rail services to Central and Eastern Europe, which increased options for shippers, leading to higher volumes.

Following a 20% growth in 2019, AGCT grew a further 12% in 2020 year to date, driven by a 30% increase in rail volumes for destinations in Central and Eastern Europe.




Events supported by FEPORT



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FEPORT meetings

13.01.2021            Social Affairs Committee – Remote

14.01.2021            Environment, Safety and Security Committee – Remote

28.01.2021             Customs and Logistics Committee – Remote

18.02.2021             Board of Directors – Remote

24.02.2021             Port Policy Committee – Remote

22.04.2021             Board of Directors – TBC

11.05.2021             Social Affairs Committee – TBC

20.05.2021              Port Policy Committee – TBC

25.05.2021              Environment, Safety and Security Committee – TBC

10-11.06.2021         General Assembly – Hamburg TBC

17.06.2021              Customs and Logistics Committee – TBC

23.09.2021              Board of Directors – TBC

28.09.2021              Environment, Safety and Security Committee – TBC

30.09.2021              Port Policy Committee – TBC

13.10.2021              Social Affairs Committee – TBC

21.10.2021              Customs and Logistics Committee – TBC

18.11.2021               Board of Directors – TBC


Institutional meetings

07.01.2021                ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels

11.01.2021                TRAN Committee Meeting – Brussels

14.01.2021                EMPL Committee Meeting – Brussels

14.01.2021                ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels

26.01.2021                 FISC Committee Meeting – Brussels

25-26.01.2021            ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels



Other meetings

25.01.2021                 14th European Railway Award – Online event

25.01.2021                  ALICE – ESC Workshop – Online event

02.02.2021                  EMSWe interfaces thematic team – Online event

02.02.2021                  Enabling impactful investments via the 2021-2027 EU budget and Next Generation EU: from policy to implementation – Online event

04.02.2021                   Competition policy contributing to the EU Green Deal conference Online event

10.02.2021                   ITF Summit Online event

24.02.2021                   TIC 4.0 Webinar – Online event

25.02/03.03.2021         TPM21 Conference – Online event

16-18.03.2021              Intermodal ConnectOnline event

25-28.05.2021              ESPO Conference Regatta 2021 – Online event

31.05.2021                    SSDC Meeting – TBC

03-04.06.2021              UNIM General Assembly Online event

16-17.06.2021              European Environmental Ports Conference Online event

19.11.2021                    SSDC Plenary Meeting – TBC



FEPORT Newsletter - January 2021