Stronger and more agile together


Until February 24th, 2021, many observers and experts in the maritime logistics chain were considering that standardization was lacking in the terminal industry. This perception might have changed thanks to the recent TIC 4.0 webinar co-organized with TOC Digital. The event was an interesting opportunity to know more about the objectives of TIC 4.0 and what has been achieved so far.

TIC 4.0 came to birth thanks to the determination of a group of professionals among whom Boris Wenzel, CEO of Terminal Link SAS and President of TIC 4.0. Three years ago, Boris Wenzel initiated a fruitful dialogue with RIP Ottonel Popesco, Chairman of PEMA (the Port Equipment Manufacturers Association), about the necessity to bring together terminal operators, port equipment manufacturers and software suppliers to define standards. Mr Wenzel firmly believed that standards would enable our sector to face the critical challenges of the 4th industrial Revolution and facilitate digital transformation, energy transition and the evolution towards automation.

The adoption of concepts like Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Robotics and Automation is transforming the industry and society and they have been adopted in strategic sectors such as automotive, heavy industries, energy, health, etc. However, the port industry in not yet taking full advantage from the digital transformation due to the low degree of implementation of such technologies and digital solutions.

The dialogue between FEPORT and PEMA members, which has materialized into the establishment of TIC 4.0, will allow operators and manufacturers to adopt a common language regarding port operations and avail a wide range of transversal benefits in terms of operational efficiency increase, safety and (cyber) security improvement, costs reduction and carbon footprint decrease.

TIC 4.0’s legitimacy towards EU institutions is already established thanks to iTerminals 4.0 project, an EU funded project awarded in mid-2018 by the Connecting Europe Facility Programme that will implement 4th Industrial Revolution concepts in the Container Port Terminal Industry.

iTerminals 4.0 project comprises the study and pilot deployment in real operations of Industry 4.0 technologies within the container-handling sector. The coordination of iTerminals is done by the foundation of the Port of Valencia.

New IoT solutions and operational pilots will be developed and deployed in eight container terminals situated in eight Core ports of the Trans-European Transport Network: Antwerp, Dunkirk, Montoir, Rouen, Malta, Sines, Thessaloniki, and Genoa.

Moving into the 4th industrial revolution broadens the horizon of terminal operators who are expanding their scope activities into the hinterland. All efforts to streamline processes, standardize and have systems that exchange data with other parties of the logistics chain will improve cargo velocity and transparency within the maritime logistics chain.

Thanks to a group of professionals who believed in the added value of such an initiative, TIC 4.0 gathers more than 30 members representing all major players in the cargo handling sector.

Efforts of TIC 4.0 members will soon materialize into a White Paper to be released in the course of March 2021.

Our thoughts are for our friend Ottonel who has been an ally, a supporter, and a man of vision. The cargo handling community and beyond will not forget him.



RIP Ottonel





29.01.2021 Carriers’ schedule reliability drops to record-low 44.6% in December 2020

On the 29th of January, Sea-Intelligence released its Global Liner Performance report, comprising schedule reliability figures up to and including December 2020.

According to Sea-Intelligence’s findings, global schedule reliability dropped to 44.6% in December 2020. This indicates that for the fifth consecutive month, global schedule reliability has been the lowest across all months since Sea-Intelligence  introduced the benchmark in 2011.

sea intelligence report

Compared to December 2019, schedule reliability has dropped by 31.7%, and Sea-Intelligence has recorded a double-digit Y/Y decline for the fifth consecutive month.

The identical trend has been recorded in regard to the average delay for late vessel arrivals, meaning that for the past four consecutive months delays have increased, reaching 5.74 days in December.

Source: Sea-Intelligence


04.02.2021 – Competition policy contributing to the EU Green Deal conference

On the 4th of February, the European Commission held a conference entitled “Competition policy contributing to the European Green Deal”.

In order for the green transition to be successful, Europe needs to ensure innovation can take place. For this strategy to succeed, a strong competition policy must be kept in place and Europe must remain competitive globally so that Europe can support green innovation.

competition policy contributing to the eu green deal conference

Without innovation, climate neutrality will never be achieved as about half of the technologies required to achieve the green transition are not yet mature.

Moreover, the EU needs to get the framework right regarding competition rules and stakeholders have to cooperate to ensure that the framework works properly. Regarding the role of State-aid, green innovation will only be possible when regulation, EU funding and State-aid complement each other, and the rules should be in line with green ambitions.

The panel on interest and merger rules showed that businesses need clear rules and legal certainty, and that competition remains a strong incentive for innovation. Although cooperation on a very large scale may be required to avoid first move disadvantages, a number of panellists warned against the weakening of the rules. The Commission will have to reflect on such issues, and it was underlined that clarification is necessary, such as updating guidelines on vertical and horizontal guidelines.


04.02.2021 EP ENVI Draft Report “Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism”

On the 5th of February, the European Parliament ENVI Committee adopted its own-initiative report entitled “Towards a WTO-compatible EU carbon border adjustment mechanism”, which addresses the creation of a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) as proposed by the European Commission in its Communication on the European Green Deal.


This new mechanism would place a carbon price on imports of certain goods from outside the EU, in order to reduce the risk of carbon leakage which would counteract Europe's efforts to become climate-neutral by 2050.

The report calls for the introduction of a CBAM as part of a broader Union industrial strategy, which should cover all imports of products and commodities covered by the EU ETS, including when embedded in intermediate or final products. It also addresses issues linked to the design and scope of a CBAM.

The vote in Plenary sitting is scheduled for the 8th of March.


09.02.2021 FEPORT responds to Public Consultation on the Review of the Renewable Energy Directive

On the 9th of February, FEPORT responded to the public consultation regarding the review of the Renewable Energy Directive.

With this review, the European Commission seeks to assess how renewable energy rules can contribute to a higher climate ambition for 2030 and 2050.

In its reply, FEPORT underlined that, when promoting the uptake of renewable and low carbon energy sources in transport, the role of cargo handling should not be overlooked. Ambitions need to be stepped up in order to stimulate the greening of equipment through fleet renewal, including by means of legislative action. For example, by including terminal equipment into the to-be-updated Renewable Energy Directive, thereby allowing Member States to grant price support schemes in line with article 4(3) of the Renewable Energy Directive.

FEPORT also argued that a revised Renewable Energy Directive should avoid promoting specific renewable or low carbon energy sources to the detriment of others. The sole relevant criteria determining to what extent fuels or energy sources are to be promoted, should be their potential to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

FEPORT also proposed to allow Member States to also count low carbon fuels in their renewable energy targets thus enabling them to stimulate the uptake of low carbon fuels which would contribute to the decarbonization of transport and other segments of the economy. In the same vein, Member States should be allowed to engage in support schemes to stimulate the uptake of low carbon fuels, which is currently only allowed for fully renewable energy sources.


10.02.2021 – Social Dialogue for Ports is more than “ticking boxes” in the framework of EU consultations

Press release COVID

End of October 2020, in a letter sent to Commissioners Schmidt, Valean and Vestager, the social partners of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Ports, ETF, FEPORT, ESPO and IDC expressed their disappointment and frustration with respect to the lack of support and responsiveness from the Commission on several key topics for the port sector.

The social partners called for a more meaningful dialogue with the Commission. Recent evolutions in the maritime sector having a huge impact on ports call indeed for a serious attention from EU institutions and more particularly from the EU Commission’s services.

Supporting or assisting the sectoral Social Dialogue at EU level requires more than listening or taking note. In this context, it is worth mentioning that social partners have alerted the EU Commission about the situation that prevails within the maritime logistics chain as a result of the lasting joint withdrawal of maritime capacities by major liner shipping lines.

The effects of the low schedule reliability[1] are cascading down and disrupting not only the organization of ports and terminals but also customers’ and other actors’ of the supply chain. Social partners deplore that these developments have not been followed-up by the EU Commission.

The current COVID-19 crisis has been qualified by all EU and national leaders as a serious ordeal that requires action. All have proclaimed that policy makers and public authorities must be receptive and pay careful attention to the impacts of the crisis on industries and people.

ETF, FEPORT, ESPO and IDC cannot be reasonably satisfied by the EU Commission’s invitation to reply to consultations to express their views. While being useful, consultations cannot constitute a reliable and insightful barometer regarding the situation that prevails in the market and the difficulties faced by EU port businesses and workers. More active dialogue and a real follow-up of ongoing developments is necessary from the EU Commission’s services for the EU Social Dialogue to be a success.

The above-mentioned organizations have engaged in the Sectoral Social Dialogue for ports because they believed that the platform would be a place for real debates with the EU Commission on crucial topics. They never considered the Sectoral Social Dialogue as a fake or cosmetic exercise.

While remaining faithful to their commitment, and until the social dialogue resumes, the social partners will carry on their work bilaterally through technical expert groups on the agreed work programme and on important issues such as health and safety of port workers where the EU Commission has since the start of the discussions in 2014 not been able to provide more effective support to find a solution to such a serious problem.

Port stakeholders, like their colleagues of the transport sector, have demonstrated their sense of responsibility and dedication during the COVID-19 crisis and will continue to deploy efforts to ensure the continuity of work and the supply of goods to customers.

ETF, FEPORT, ESPO and IDC reiterate their invitation to the EU Commission to initiate a thorough discussion about the future of the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue for Ports.

[1] Sea-Intelligence - NEW Record-low Global Schedule Reliability of 44.6% in December 2020 (


Joint Press Release


10.02.2021 2021 ITF Annual Consultations with International Organisations

On February 10th, 2021, FEPORT participated in the 2021 ITF Annual Consultation with International Organisations.

2021 itf annual consultations with international organisations

The purpose of the meeting was to engage in a dialogue with key international organisations on the most pertinent issues that should be addressed in the programme of the 2021 ITF Summit Transport Innovation for Sustainable Development: Reshaping Mobility in the Wake of Covid-19.

Participants provided their insights and perspectives on the impact of COVID-19 on transport and mobility, related challenges and options for the way forward. All attendees valued the fact that ITF provides real opportunity to industry to report back about the significant effects of COVID-19 on the different sectors.


10.02.2021 EU Commission opens public consultation on the revision of TEN-T Guidelines

On the 10th of February, the EU Commission opened a public consultation on the revision of the TEN-T Guidelines. The TEN-T Regulation will be revised, building on the Strategy on Sustainable and Smart Mobility, which is driven by the European Green Deal and the transport sector’s climate neutrality target, which aims at a 90% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2050

 ten t

Revised guidelines should also better prepare the TEN-T for the digital transition in transport, including for new technological concepts such as automation, and increase the transport network’s resilience. For example, in the light of extreme weather events, growing needs related to military mobility or investment screening, or related to civil protection requirements (such as in case of pandemics).

The public consultation specifically mentions Port Operators as their target audience and remains open until the 5th of May 2021.

Source: European Commission


10.02.2021 – European Parliament approves Recovery and Resilience Facility

On Wednesday the 10th of February, Parliament approved the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which is designed to help EU countries tackle the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.


 The RRF constitutes the biggest building block of the EUR 750 billion Next Generation EU recovery package. The EUR 672.5 billion of grants and loans coming from the RRF Facility, will be available to finance national measures designed to alleviate the economic and social consequences of the pandemic.

To be eligible for financing, national recovery and resilience plans must focus on key EU policy areas such as the green transition, the digital transformation, economic cohesion, and competitiveness as well as institutions’ crisis-preparedness. At least 37% of the budget of each national recovery and resilience plan should be dedicated to climate and at least 20% to digital actions Any action funded under the RRF facility, moreover, must not significantly harm environmental objectives.

Source: European Parliament


10.02.2021 FEPORT and 31 organizations call Member States to support the transport sector

On 9 February, the European Parliament endorsed the agreement on the Proposal for a Regulation establishing a Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). With a budget of EUR 672.5 billion, the RRF is the EU’s main instrument to recover from the crisis caused by COVID-19.

While being hit hard by the pandemic and the various restrictive measures, the transport sector has demonstrated its crucial role in the supply of goods and and movement of people and has thus proven its indispensability for a functioning European Union.

The undersigned European associations representing transport, infrastructure managers, operators, workers in all transport modes and logistics, contractors, local and regional authorities, logistics service providers, shippers, users, shipyards and equipment suppliers in the maritime sector, ports, inland waterways, railways, road, cycling, aviation, airports and intermodal sectors, as well as supporting industries and companies, jointly call on Member States and the European Commission to ensure that the transport sector receives adequate consideration in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans:

  • Emphasize that the transport and logistics sectors are critical for providing EU citizens with the goods and the mobility that are essential for their health and well-being and will be major enablers to a sustainable and resilient recovery of Europe’s economy;
  • Reiterate that the European Green Deal calls for a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transport, which requires substantial investments in transport infrastructures and fleets;
  • Stress that the objectives of the Green Deal for Europe to become a climate-neutral economy by 2050, can only be obtained by increasing the sustainability of the transport sector; note that the budget of the Connecting Europe Facility II is not sufficient to enable the necessary transformation;
  • Call on the Member States to put forward in their recovery and resilience plans measures facilitating economically and socially sustainable transport and digitalisation in the transport and logistics sectors, measures promoting cohesion and connectivity, promoting livable cities and regions, supporting just transition, support strategies for more diversified sustainable supply chains in view of strengthening Europe’s resilience as well as measures preparing the transport workforce for the digital transformation based on an inclusive social dialogue;
  • Call on the European Commission to evaluate the prominence of economically and socially sustainable transport measures in their assessment of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans.

recovery and resilience facility transport keeps us going forward

Joint statement


23.02.2021 – Ad Hoc TCG meeting on proof of Union status – goods by sea

On the 24th of February, FEPORT Secretariat participated in the Ad Hoc meeting on proof of Union status of goods carried by sea. This session forms part of a series of meetings on the proof of Union status of goods by the various modes of transport i.e.  road, rail, air and sea.

The objective of this series of meetings is for DG TAXUD to better understand related (electronic) data exchange and to grasp how, for each mode, logistics differentiates between Union and non-Union goods, this could include processes at terminal facilities.

This exercise being carried out by DG TAXUD, stakeholders of the logistics chain and Member States, could form the basis for an update of the relevant parts of the Union Customs Code.


24.02.2021 TIC 4.0 Webinar

On the 24th of February, FEPORT Secretary-General participated as a panellist to a webinar entitled The 4th Industrial Revolution in Ports – How the Terminal Industry is Setting the Standards and co-organized by TIC 4.0 and TOC Digital.

 toc webinar preview february

While paying tribute to RIP Ottonel Popesco, Chairman of PEMA, who recently passed away, panellists shared with the audience their recognition for the support that Ottonel Popesco has granted to TIC 4.0 since day one and saluted a man with a vision and values that will be missed in the maritime community.

The panel consisted of representatives from TIC 4.0, FEPORT, PEMA and Digital Container Shipping Association DCSA. The moderation was done by Frank Kho, CEO of TIC 4.0.

Boris Wenzel, TIC 4.0 President explained that TIC 4.0 objective is to allow operators and manufacturers to adopt a common language regarding port operations and avail a wide range of transversal benefits in terms of operational efficiency increase, safety and (cyber) security improvement, costs reduction and carbon footprint decrease.

During the discussion, it was emphasised that TIC 4.0 is a global initiative. However, as mentioned by FEPORT Secretary General, Lamia Kerdjoudj-Belkaid, TIC 4.0 has already gained credit in the EU through the selection of one of its projects, iTerminals, which benefits from CEF funding.

iTerminals 4.0 project comprises the study and pilot deployment in real operations within the container-handling sector.

New IoT solutions and operational pilots will be developed and deployed in eight container terminals situated in eight core ports of the Trans-European Transport Network: Antwerp, Dunkirk, Montoir, Rouen, Malta, Sines, Thessaloniki, and Genoa.

Boris Wenzel, TIC 4.0 President explained that the ultimate objective with TIC 4.0 is allow port terminals to be managed in the near future by digital platforms in almost an automatic way. “Every asset that is working in a port terminal will be “plug & play” and fully standardised”. said Boris Wenzel, TIC 4.0

Marcel Van De Pol from DCSA mentioned that his organization’s mission is to make standards attractive enough to engage the industry and facilitate their wide adoption. “We must work to reach this objective”, he said.

Reacting to Marcel De Pol’s statement, Boris Wenzel reminded that TIC 4.0 is open to all players, whatever is their size. All interested parties are welcome to join and contribute to the current work. This is certainly the best way to facilitate a large adoption by the sector.

Having a global end-to-end transparency of the supply chain should remain the final goal of our industry”, said Pat O’Leary from the Port Equipment Manufacturers Association. The work done by TIC 4.0 will benefit to actors beyond the cargo handling sector.

Commenting on the cooperation between TIC 4.0 and DCSA, Marcel van de Pol (DCSA) explained that there is already collaboration on the port ship interface and more specifically Just-In-Time vessel calls.

TIC 4.0’s White Paper will be published in the course of March 2021.


24.02.2021 Webinar on developing potential taxonomies beyond Green activities

On the 24th and the 26th of February, the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, which advises the EU Commission on the development of the EU Taxonomy, organized a series of webinars which provided an overview of the Platform’s work.

On the 24th of February, a webinar dealt with the possibility of developing taxonomies beyond green activities, i.e. low impact and significantly harmful activities. This idea is being looked into by Subgroup 3 of the Platform on Sustainable Finance, of which the rapporteur gave a presentation during the webinar.

The rapporteur explained that, at its base, the Taxonomy distinguishes three types of activities: activities that are sustainable in and of themselves, transitional activities and enabling activities that indirectly contribute to other sustainable economic activities.

What SG3 is currently discussing, is whether a fourth category should be added designating economic activities that significantly harm sustainability.  SG3 is also looking into the definition of transitional and low impact activities. Most importantly, the rapporteur highlighted that the Taxonomy criteria will be reviewed and become more demanding over time, thereby following technological developments and the EU’s climate ambitions for 2030 and 2050.

The rapporteur’s presentation was followed by a panel discussion involving stakeholders from the banking and finance sector, the energy sector and civil society. One panellist representing a bank underlined the importance of “shading”, i.e. allowing the taxonomy to capture fully green as well as less green and neutral activities, while adding that some economic activities can enable the sustainability performance of other sectors while doing environmental harm at the same time.

According to some panellists Taxonomy exercise remains particularly difficult as there is a need to find a right balance between the importance of having a comprehensive and nuanced taxonomy and ensuring that Taxonomy remains usable for economic actors, consumers and policy makers. Another challenge of the Taxonomy would be to apply it to non-EU investments and economic activities.


24.02.2021 EP TRAN votes MEP Delli Report on more efficient and cleaner maritime transport

The draft resolution on technical and operational measures for more efficient and cleaner maritime transport has been adopted by 32 votes in favour, none against and 17 abstentions. FEPORT congratulates MEP Delli for this positive outcome.

delli k

The TRAN Committee recognizes the importance of transitional technologies, such as LNG, for a gradual transition towards zero-emission alternatives in the maritime sector, thus understanding the need for the European maritime transport sector to remain competitive and acknowledging the investments made by port operators in LNG infrastructure.

As suggested in the report, LNG and LNG infrastructure could be one of transitional technologies towards zero-emission alternatives in the maritime sector. It will be important that the Commission puts incentives, including through tax exemptions, to use these alternatives instead of heavy fuels.

FEPORT Members are satisfied to see that the report identifies port stakeholders as strategic players and appreciate TRAN MEPs' acknowledgement of ports’ role in the TEN-T review.

The draft resolution also highlights other measures that could significantly contribute to the decarbonisation of the maritime sector (such as Vessels speed optimisation, including slow steaming, optimisation of navigable routes… etc) and the reduction of the GHG emissions in ports.

Next step for the report is the adoption during the plenary meeting in March 2021.


25.02.2021 EALING Workshop: Towards a harmonized Onshore Power Supply development in Europe

On the 25th of February, FEPORT Secretariat attended a workshop organized by the EALING project, a European project funded through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). The project works towards a framework for a harmonized implementation of OPS infrastructure in European ports.

The first part of the workshop dealt with policy developments. For example, concerning the role of OPS in the revision of the TEN-T Regulation and the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive.

Representatives from the European Commission explained the role OPS was ascribed in the recently published Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy. Most notably, the demand for OPS and alternative fuels will be stimulated through the ReFuelEU Maritime initiative, which is expected to be adopted in March or April this year. The need for increasing the demand for OPS will also be considered in the revision of the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive.

European Maritime Safety Agency EMSA, moreover, provided an overview of the upcoming OPS guidelines. The guidelines should assist port authorities and administrations in their planning, as well as technical and operational decision-making on Shore-Side Electricity.

After the policy part of the workshop, the EALING Studies were presented. These studies should ensure that a common harmonized and interoperable framework is brought forward in order to facilitate the implementation of OPS infrastructure in the ports that are part of the EALING consortium.

In the third part of the meeting, associations were given the opportunity to share their views on OPS. In the third part of the meeting, associations were given the opportunity to share their views on OPS.  FEPORT Chair of the Environment, Safety and Security Committee, Mr Francis Sabio argued in favour of efforts to encourage the uptake of OPS as a means to reduce the environmental footprint of shipping. “However, regulations obliging terminals or other port stakeholders to install OPS infrastructure should be avoided, as this remains a commercial service based on demand”, mentioned Mr Sabio.

“OPS is also a matter of return on investment for port stakeholders hence the importance to stimulate the uptake”, added Mr Francis Sabio.

“The demand for OPS should be stimulated through price support schemes as well as reduced taxation rates or tax exemptions”, concluded FEPORT representative.



Members' News Corner


25.01.2021 C.RO Ports installs VEGA-VTG

The solution developed by VEGA-VTG has been put in place at the C.RO Ports terminal in the Port of Rotterdam. At the moment five units are available three times a week on the route between the UK and Rzepin in Poland, but the capacity is planned to be doubled soon.

This technology allows for the trailer to be driven onto the platform, after which it can be loaded on board of the train wagon by the VEGA-VTG plate, very much like a huckepack.

This platform is expected to make rail transport a viable option for parties that would normally never use it, such as normal trailers that could otherwise never be lifted onto railway wagons by a crane. It is suggested that 80% of the trailers are non-cranable. This solution opens the door to transport by rail for these trailers. These are extra steps towards achieving the sustainability objectives by means of the modal shift to rail freight transport.


01.02.2020 DP World and UNICEF announce global partnership to support COVID-19 vaccination

DP World and UNICEF have announced a wide-ranging partnership to support the global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and related immunization supplies in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

The new partnership is the largest to date to support UNICEF’s lead role in procuring and supplying 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines and auxiliary vaccination supplies on behalf of the COVAX Facility.

DP World will provide UNICEF with logistics solutions and supply-chain expertise. By using DP World’s warehouse facilities in Dubai, UNICEF will have optimized access to many countries. In addition, DP World has committed to leveraging its global logistics infrastructure and services on a pro-bono basis in support of COVID-19 vaccine logistics needs, including transport, port and storage requirements in countries where DP World is present. 


04.02.2021 Contship Italia tests automated reefer plugging

Contship Italia is testing a new reefer plugging technology developed by ARMS srl (Automated Reefer Management Systems) at La Spezia Container Terminal.

ARMS has developed an automated system that uses a robotic arm and a quick connector system for the electrical connection. The use of this automated plug/unplug system allows remote operation with consequent benefits in terms of security, continuity, and timeliness of the control of the operating process and in terms of precision in data collection.


09.02.2021 Yilport completed implementation of Navis' N4 TOS

Yilport announced that it has made important progress in the implementation of Navis' Terminal Operating System (TOS) software in its operations at the Alcântara Container Terminal, in Lisbon Port.

Yilport Liscont has become the second terminal in Portugal and the fourth in the Iberian Peninsula to implement the N4 TOS.

The concessionaire of the Lisbon port terminal implemented the Navis Sparcs N4 TOS system at the container terminal, reaching net productivity of 32 movements per hour and productivity of 27 movements per hour on the first vessel to operate with Navis at the terminal. 


10.02.2021 HHLA achieves positive result in 2020 despite provision for efficiency programme

According to preliminary unaudited figures, HHLA achieved a positive Group operating result of approximately € 123 million in the 2020 financial year.

First of all, the operating result was affected by restrictions on business due to the efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Additionally, a provision of approximately € 43 million was set aside in the fourth quarter of 2020. The provision is associated with the implementation of restructuring as part of an efficiency programme in the Container segment. Without accounting for this provision, the Group EBIT would be approximately € 166 million. In the past financial year, Group revenue amounted to approximately € 1.30 billion.


19.02.2021 HHLA subsidiary to build new rail terminal in Hungary

HHLA has announced the signature of a corresponding agreement between Metrans and the Hungarian government. HHLA’s intermodal subsidiary Metrans is building another rail terminal in Hungary to expand its transport services along the Adriatic Corridor and towards Southern and South-Eastern Europe.

The hub terminal will be built in Zalaegerszeg, which is located on the transport axis to the Adriatic ports of Trieste, Koper and Rijeka.

The total investment of over € 40 million includes a grant from Hungarian institutions amounting to approx. € 11 million. Metrans expects that approximately 120 new jobs will be created in Zalaegerszeg.


22.02.2021 Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam orders 10 Kalmar hybrid straddle carriers

Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam has ordered 10 hybrid straddle carriers from Kalmar for its ECT Delta terminal in Rotterdam.

These hybrid straddle carriers have a lower fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and noise pollution compared to traditional diesel-powered machines. Moreover, Kalmar’s hybrid machine features a maintenance-free regenerative energy system that converts braking and spreader lowering energy into electrical power and stores it in an on-board lithium-ion battery system.



Events supported by FEPORT


March 1st, 2021



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FEPORT meetings

24.03.2021             Port Policy Committee – Remote

22.04.2021             Board of Directors – TBC

11.05.2021             Social Affairs Committee – TBC

20.05.2021              Port Policy Committee – TBC

25.05.2021              Environment, Safety and Security Committee – TBC

10-11.06.2021         General Assembly – Hamburg TBC

17.06.2021              Customs and Logistics Committee – TBC

23.09.2021              Board of Directors – TBC

28.09.2021              Environment, Safety and Security Committee – TBC

30.09.2021              Port Policy Committee – TBC

13.10.2021              Social Affairs Committee – TBC

21.10.2021              Customs and Logistics Committee – TBC

18.11.2021               Board of Directors – TBC


Institutional meetings

04.03.2021                ECON Committee Meeting – Brussels

04.03.2021                ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels

15-16.03.2021           TRAN Committee Meeting – Brussels

15-16.03.2021           ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels

18.03.2021                ECON Committee Meeting – Brussels

23.03.2021                ENVI Committee Meeting – Brussels

23.03.2021                ECON Committee Meeting – Brussels



Other meetings

25.02/03.03.2021         TPM21 Conference – Online event

03.03.2021                   Port Forum – Sustainable ports subgroup – Online event

10.03.2021                   AGM TIC 4.0 – Online event

16-18.03.2021              Intermodal ConnectOnline event

25-28.05.2021              ESPO Conference Regatta 2021 – Online event

31.05.2021                    SSDC Meeting – TBC

03-04.06.2021              UNIM General Assembly Online event

16-17.06.2021              European Environmental Ports Conference Online event

19.11.2021                    SSDC Plenary Meeting – TBC

03-04.06.2021              UNIM General Assembly Online event

16-17.06.2021              European Environmental Ports Conference Online event

19.11.2021                    SSDC Plenary Meeting – TBC



FEPORT Newsletter - February 2021