Consistency between the Fit for 55 proposals
FEPORT has always been supportive of EU environmental initiatives and is definitely in favour of the EU green Deal as well as the objectives of the Fit for 55 proposals.
Seaport terminal operators have engaged into the greening of their equipment some years ago and they have seen the benefits of their proactivity as emissions resulting from their operations are continuously decreasing.
But decarbonization of shipping remains a priority for port stakeholders as the bulk of the emissions come from ships and other modes of transport which connect ports to the hinterland.
Important challenges are ahead but the collective awareness about the necessity to join forces is also increasing. This is why FEPORT has decided to join a coalition gathering maritime and port associations calling for a consistent use of the future ETS revenues.
It is crucial that ETS revenues are used to support investments that will be necessary to enable the green transition of the maritime sector. The ETS fund must be dedicated to this objective.
In the port sector, there will be indeed a need to invest into green port equipment and refuelling and recharging infrastructure in a context where the competitive pressure from non-EU neighbouring countries, which do not apply emissions trading to the maritime sector, will be significant.
The transition towards decarbonisation will also require an important effort in terms of upskilling and reskilling of the port workforce. Hence, the importance of the earmarking of the EU ETS revenues and their mobilization to address the needs in the maritime and port sectors.
But consistency is also needed between the Fit for 55 proposals. Industry needs homogeneity, clarity, certainty, and a harmonized application of the rules.
FEPORT calls for vigilance with respect to the provisions of some proposals like AFIR and FuelEU as they are lacking consistency, and this can have counterproductive effects.
ESPO and FEPORT have proposed an approach which focuses on OPS deployment per location (such as berths or terminals) in the port, rather than per port. This would ensure that OPS, also known as shore-side electricity, is deployed where it makes the most environmental and economic sense, whilst maintaining the established roles and responsibilities of the various port stakeholders.[1]
To avoid a waste of limited time and public resources, the legal framework on the European level should ensure that OPS is deployed at locations in the port where each installation will deliver maximal emissions reductions per Euro invested.
To optimise the use of OPS as a solution to emissions at berth, ESPO and FEPORT therefore call for the following:
- A requirement for ships to use OPS when it is available in ports in FuelEU Maritime
- Prioritising OPS deployment in port locations where it reduces emissions the most in AFIR
This approach does not assign new responsibilities to stakeholders in the port and would respect the diverse governance models of European ports.
The compromise amendments in FuelEU referring to the role port stakeholders is not in line with the AFIR ones, and this is unfortunate.
However, FEPORT looks forward to the outcome of the ongoing trialogues and the joint work of the three institutions to preserve consistency between the Fit for 55 proposals.
[1] As defined in Regulation (EU) 2017/352
Partners of FEPORT's
Seventh Annual Stakeholders’ Conference
The topic of FEPORT's Seventh Annual Stakeholders’ Conference is “How to preserve the EU transport sector’s competitiveness in a world of “perma-crises?”
“Perma crises” mean that we do not only need to become more agile and develop a greater capacity of adaptation, but that collective intelligence to find solutions is becoming key.
This is why FEPORT has decided to elaborate the program of this conference together with the Waterborne Technology Platform which gathers pioneers and early movers in the field of the transition to zero-emission digital, zero-accidents and competitive transport.
TIC 4.0 is the other partner for our stakeholders’ conference. The organization has already shown the relevance of its work aiming at defining and adopting standards that will enable the cargo handling industry to be more efficient.
Both COVID 19 and its lockdowns and the recent war in Ukraine have shown the critical role of seaport terminals in enabling the circulation of cargo flows between the seaside and land side.
“Nobody will solve it alone” so joining forces is a must.
Therefore, throughout the three sessions of the conference, we will listen to representatives from EU institutions, companies, think thanks and foundations who will share their views, express their expectations and clarify how their efforts are contributing to the overall objective of the energy transition, climate resilience and competitiveness.
The first session will be dedicated to “Climate urgency and energy crisis: which impact for transport in the EU?” and will feature speakers from the European Commission, the European Parliament, the inland waterways industry, the energy sector, and foundations advocating and acting for the energy transition and decarbonization of shipping.
The second session will concern the impact of the war in Ukraine on the EU transport chain. Besides representatives from the EU Parliament and the EU Commission, industry players along the supply and transport chain committed to get cereals, oilseeds and other products out of Ukraine will share what lessons could already be learnt.
The third session will be about the hope to overcome difficulties.
We will discuss the resilience of the EU transport sector in the era of “perma crises”. It will be about competitiveness in times of inflation and energy crisis and the need for smart regulation for the EU including frameworks that ensure a real level playing field between transport sectors. The role of research and innovation, and the deployment of innovative solutions, will also be an important theme of the session.
The detailed program and a registration link will follow soon.
05.09.2022 – UIRR demands regualted traction electricity prices for combined transport
Combined Transport urgently demands regulated traction electricity prices as it unavoidably depends on electric rail freight.
The DG Energy non-paper on Emergency Electricity Market Interventions, which leaked on 1 September [1], recommends to Member States to “regulate the price of electricity for volatile consumer groups”. Combined Transport actors clearly qualify as a volatile group of electricity users:
- Road-Rail Combined Transport must unavoidably use electric rail freight;
- Traction electricity prices have increased 300-1000%depending on the Member State throughout the European Union, whereas the International Road Union has recently confirmed that the pre-tax price of diesel fuel – used in long-distance trucks – only increased by 69% since January this year [2];
- Most Combined Transport Operators and Transhipment Terminal Managers, as well as many rail freight traction providers are SMEs, moreover, their profitability levels do not enable them to erect a fiscal shield to defend such an explosive change to a strategic input as energy.
The OECD together with the International Energy Agency published on 29th August 2022 its latest report on fossil fuel subsidies (3) which recorded the first increase last year since 2018. The “near-doubling” of subsidies proportionately applies to petroleum products throughout the 51 developed economies monitored by OECD.
Combined Transport can not compete with long-distance trucking under these conditions.
Door-to-door intermodal transport chains – when compared to a road-only transport by a Euro 6 truck – use up to 70% less energy, which translates to significant diesel fuel savings for Europe, and which turn intermodal freight trains into ‘energy trains’. The reliable functioning of Combined Transport is a clear interest of European citizens and economic actors.
It is imperative that energy ministers of Member States give the right instructions to the European Commission on how to develop its electricity market intervention package. Combined Transport must be declared a high priority volatile consumer group for rail traction electricity, while transhipment terminals should also receive regulated electricity so they can continue performing their transhipment operations unhindered.
Source: UIRR
06.09.2022 – 4th meeting of the DAG on the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
On the 6th of September, FEPORT Secretariat attended the fourth meeting of the EU Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) on the implementation of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, ie the agreement that was struck between the EU and the UK to govern post-Brexit relations.
FEPORT Secretary General is the alternate representative of the transport sector in this DAG, which gives civil society stakeholders the opportunity to raise any concern they may have regarding the implementation of the EU-UK TCA.
During the meeting, the Commission (DG TRADE) gave an update regarding the issues that the different transport stakeholders had raised in March 2022.
Regarding the UK freeport initiative, which had initially been raised by FEPORT as a point of concern, DG TRADE noted that they closely monitor the UK’s action in this regard.
Source: FEPORT
08.09.2022 – SEArica event on the Maritime Dimension of the TEN-T
On the 8th of September, FEPORT attended the SEArica organized event on the Maritime Dimension of the TEN-T. The event was hosted by MEP Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew Europe, Germany), SEArica Vice-Chair for Maritime Transport and the North Sea, and organised with the support of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR).
In his keynote speech, Kurt Bodewig underlined the importance of the modal shift to short sea shipping. To achieve this, also ports and hinterland connectivity should be supported. EU Ports, he stressed, should also be able to receive support in case they collaborate with ports in third countries.
During the Stakeholders Panel, Ms. Anne-Rieke Stuhlman, who represented the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), proposed a different way to look at TEN-T recognition; in her view, not only transport volumes, but also a port’s geopolitical position, its role regarding cohesion and its contribution to the energy transition should be taken into account when deciding on a port’s recognition as a TEN-T one.
Furthermore, she suggested to introduce a definition of “rail port network” in the TEN-T regulation, i.e., a part of the rail network that directly links to the port and where different rules apply as compared to the general rail network, for example when it comes to line speed or train length.
MEP Isabel GarcÍa Muñoz (S&D, Spain), one of the co-rapporteurs on TEN-T, reiterated in her reaction to the panellists that the maritime dimension of TEN-T is crucial for the European Parliament due to its impact on employment and the role it plays in facilitating EU imports and intra-EU traffic. Moreover, she explained her increasing awareness of the geopolitical importance of ports, pointing to the war in Ukraine, where the forced shutdown of a number of ports has caused severe issues for European and global supply chains. In view of the importance of the maritime and port sectors, MEP García Muñoz wants to request more funding for transport under CEF 2021-2027.
10.09.2022 – Richard Moton, IPCSA's Secretary General
FEPORT and many other organizations of the supply and maritime logistics chain have been sad to know about the passing away of our colleague Richard Morton. Richard has been the architect of IPCSA together with Hans Rook. He was a great professional and a good colleague for all the port community and beyond. He will be missed.
FEPORT addresses its condolences to RIP Richard Morton’s family, friends and colleagues.
13.09.2022 – EU Parliament adopts position on Regulation on de-forestation free products
On the 13th of September, in Strasbourg, MEPs have voted for a new regulation which should ensure that products imported into the EU do not contribute to de-forestation.
Once the de-forestation regulation enters into force, companies will be obliged to verify that goods sold in the EU have not been produced on deforested or degraded land.
The Commission’s initial proposal covers six product types ie cocoa, coffee, cattle, palm-oil, soya and wood as well as end products that contain them (eg chocolate or leather).
Parliament, however, has voted to include an additional set of products such as poultry, maze, and rubber, also in this case including their end products as well.
The Regulation will affect the field of customs, for example, as a reference to a due diligence statement regarding de-forestation will be included in the customs declaration and information exchange between customs authorities and other competent authorities will be exchanged via the to be established EU Single Window Environment for Customs.
14.09.2022 – State of the Union Address - A Union That Stands Together
On the 14th of September, EU Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen held her yearly State of the Union Address in which she outlined the main initiatives the Commission is planning for the coming year.
Many announcements related to the ongoing war in Ukraine, such as the entry of Ukraine into the European free roaming area as well as the rebuilding of damaged Ukrainian schools were mentioned by President Von der Leyen. The EU Commission President stated that Ukraine had already been successfully connected to our electricity grid.
Moreover, President Von der Leyen informed Parliament about the setting up of a new European Hydrogen Bank which would help guarantee the purchase of hydrogen, notably by using resources from the Innovation Fund. The bank will be able to invest 3 billion euros to help building the future market for hydrogen.
Other announcements of President Von der Leyen related to the European Year of Skills taking place in 2023, as well as the European Critical Raw Materials Act, which should reduce the EU’s dependency when it comes to the supply of lithium and rare earths.
Source: European Commission
14.09.2022 – EU Commission proposes regulation effectively banning products produced, extracted or harvested with forced labour
On the 14th of September, the Commission has proposed a regulation aimed at prohibiting products made with forced labour on the EU market. The proposal covers all products, namely those made in the EU for domestic consumption and exports, and imported goods, without targeting specific companies or industries.
During the 2022 State of the Union address, the Commission stressed the importance of the proposal as, at current, an estimated 27.6 million people are in forced labour, in many industries, and in every continent.
The proposal will empower National authorities to withdraw from the EU market products made with forced labour, and EU customs authorities will focus on stopping products made with forced labour at the EU borders.
In the words of Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for trade, Valdis Dombrovskis, “this proposal will make a real difference in tackling modern-day slavery, which affects millions of people around the globe. Our aim is to eliminate all products made with forced labour from the EU market, irrespective of where they have been made. Our ban will apply to domestic products, exports and imports alike. Competent authorities and customs will work hand-in-hand to make the system robust. We have sought to minimise the administrative burden for businesses, with a tailor-made approach for SMEs. We will also further deepen our cooperation with our global partners and with international organisations.”
Source: European Commission
15.09.2022 - INTA Draft report on resilient supply chains in EU trade to address current shortages
On the 15th of September the draft report on “resilient supply chains in EU trade to address current shortages” of rapporteur Markus Buchheit (ID, Germany) was published.
The report points out that recent external shocks such as armed conflicts, the pandemic and disruptions of supply chains have tested the resilience of economies worldwide. At the same time, the EU’s economy remains dependent in areas such as energy and raw materials, medicines, cloud technologies, batteries and semiconductors.
Moreover, the report stresses that inflation and increases in commodity prices are expected to further challenge global supply chains, adding that the EU’s strategical dependence on external sources of energy undermines the EU’s economic resilience and strategic autonomy.
In this context, the report underlines that it is important to respond to negative consequences of external shocks with a coordinated approach at national and EU level.
The draft report also recalls that in cooperation with Member States and international partners, the EU should guarantee freedom of the sea and trade routes in general, thereby ensuring access to raw materials, energy and export markets.
The text calls for the shortening of supply chains and the relocation to the EU of the production facilities of EU businesses that are currently located outside of the Union. In addition, the Commission and Member States should start a dialogue with neighbouring countries on the possibility of nearshoring production as well as regulatory cooperation, in order to boost EU security of supply and diversify sources at the same time.
Source: European Parliament
16.09.2022 – Warnings of capacity withdrawals amidst declining spot rates
Container spot freight rates are currently on the decline, with Freightos Baltic Index (FBX) reporting that “Asia-US west coast rates have fallen by nearly 75% since the start of the year and are at their lowest level since May of 2020”, adding that “the significant shift of volumes – and congestion – to the east coast has kept Asia-US east coast prices from falling as dramatically, with rates “only” half their level at the start of the year and [at the same level] with prices in May 2021.”
Analysts see similar developments on Asia-European trades, and point to reductions in demand as the main cause underpinning the decline in rates. According to Peter Sand, chief analyst at Xeneta, July volumes between Asia-North Europe have declined 4% on a year-to-year basis, with the prospects of demand picking up again being dim.
In this context of reduced demand, some analysts expect capacity cuts and an increased idling of ships in order for carriers to avoid a further drop in freight rates. Head of ocean freight at DHL Global Forwarding, for example, noted that a 40% increase in blank sailings had been announced for October, pointing to the problems this could cause for European exporters, for example, regarding a shortage of empty containers.
Source: the Loadstar
19.09.2022 – EU Commission proposes Council Regulation to address high energy prices
On the 14th of September, in the context of record levels in gas and electricity prices following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Commission has proposed a Council Regulation on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices.
The Commission expects energy prices to remain high and explains this by the deliberate attempt by Russia to use energy as a political weapon, while fearing the spill over effects high gas prices can have on the prices of energy and overall inflation.
The EU Commission therefore proposes that Member States must cut peak electricity consumption by 5%, while aiming to reduce total electricity consumption by 10% by the end of 2023.
At the same time, the proposal contains a solidarity contribution of the fossil fuel sector based on surplus profits made in the fiscal year 2022. Member States should channel these surplus revenues collected to final electricity consumers, ie both citizens and private companies, who are exposed to high prices.
These revenues can then be used to provide income support, rebates, investments in renewables, energy efficiency or decarbonisation technologies.
According to the Commission, the electricity emergency tool should apply no later than 1 December 2022 and until 31 March 2023, while aiming to carry out a review of the tool by 28 February 2023.
Source: European Commission
19.09.2022 – FEPORT replies to public consultation regarding UCC reform
On the 19th of September, FEPORT replied to the public consultation regarding the revision of the Union Customs Code (UCC). The EU Commission had opened this consultation in order to gather input for its UCC revision proposal, which is expected by Q4 2022.
In its reply, FEPORT underlined that one achievement of the current UCC framework is the implementation of the criteria of article 84.3 DA which stipulate the conditions for operators of temporary storage facilities to apply for a guarantee waiver. This possibility to apply for a waiver is crucial for terminal operators as otherwise they might need to block an amount of 10.000 EUR for each cargo unit they handle.
As of areas for improvement, FEPORT suggested to allow, under some circumstances, for the extension of the time limit for temporary storage from 90 to 120 days. Such a measure could help terminals to cope with congestion related consequences of future crises such as the recent ones related to COVID and the war against Ukraine.
Moreover, FEPORT underlined that, for a well-functioning Customs Union that enables frictionless trade, it is not only important to adopt good legislation, but also to invest in the relevant infrastructure needed for this such as border inspection points at rail crossings. This would improve the quality (price and speed) of freight transport options which cross several borders, of which some EU and others non-EU.
Finally, FEPORT recommended to include “container number” as mandatory field in the customs declaration with the aim of facilitating customs controls as well as to improve the information provision to economic operators regarding the free trade agreements the EU has in place with third countries.
Source: FEPORT
26.09.2022 – TRAN Committeee exchange of views with Serhii Tereshko, Deputy Head of Ukrainian Mission to the EU
On the 26th of September, the Transport and Tourism (TRAN) Committee of the European Parliament met to discuss with Mr Serhii Tereshko, Deputy Head of the Ukranian mission to the EU. Topics discussed included the queues at EU-Ukraine border crossings, which remain long, although shorter than before, as well as Ukraine’s efforts to convert a number of wagons in order to make them compatible with the EU’s rail gauges.
During the meeting, Mr Tereshko welcomed the EU-Ukraine solidarity lanes initiative, which in his view had already brought tangible results, although challenges still remain. He for example mentioned the idea of launching pilot projects so that Ukrainian goods could reach European ports by rail, noting that Ukranian wagons are already reaching Gdánsk, but that this network could be expanded.
The Deputy head of the Ukrainian Mission also mentioned that Ukraine had tabled several proposals to simplify customs controls, including phytosanitary controls, such as establishing control points at other places than the borders in order to relieve the pressure on border crossing points.
MEP Marian-Jan Marinescu (EPP, Romania) noted, still talking about freight transport via the Black Sea, that the EU had already made available significant sums to support border crossings and railways. However, he called on Mr Tereshko to make clear to the Commission what Ukraine still needs when it comes to transport and logistics.
MEP Kountoura (The Left, Greece) underlined the need to make the transport network safer, adding that transport sector workers carrying out activities in Ukraine should have their labour rights protected.
Source: Dods
27.09.2022 – Maritime industry unites to call for earmarking of ETS revenues
European shipowners, ports, the cruise sector, shipyards and equipment manufacturers, fuel suppliers, shippers, forwarders and port operators join forces and call on the Member States and the European Parliament to earmark the revenues generated from the inclusion of the shipping sector in the EU ETS for the maritime sector.
Earmarked revenues should aim to lower the price gap with clean fuels, to finance R&D and innovation and the scale-up and deployment of clean energy and technologies on board and on shore. Investments in port infrastructure, connection to the grid, energy storage and deployment of renewables should be also supported. Finally, support to training, upskilling and reskilling of maritime workers is key to meet the EU climate targets.
“The maritime industry speaks with one voice today and calls on the Member States and the Council to earmark the ETS revenues and to support the energy transition of the maritime sector. 80% of the current ETS revenues are already used for the energy transition of the ETS sectors. The Council and the Parliament have already earmarked the revenues for aviation under the current ETS revision. The maritime industry needs to be put on an equal footing, taking into account taking into account that our sector is one of the most difficult to decarbonise” says Sotiris Raptis, ECSA’s Secretary General.
“The greening of the shipping sector implies huge investments both on-board vessels and in ports, whilst the return on investment is low and uncertain for port managing bodies. The creation of a dedicated fund which supports the deployment of infrastructure for low- and zero-carbon fuels both on-board the vessel and at shore is therefore crucial to reach the aims the EU ETS is designed for” says Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General of ESPO.
“The cruise sector is making huge investments in new technologies to lower its carbon footprint. A dedicated fund from ETS revenues will accelerate industry efforts to deploy sustainable marine fuels as well as support the introduction of the necessary portside infrastructure. It is an important example of how public and private sector can help each other to achieve a zero-carbon future and we call on the European Institutions to lend its support to the fund creation” says Marie-Caroline Laurent, Director General, Europe, CLIA.
“Europe’s maritime technology industry develops the most advanced vessels and technologies in the market. The earmarking of EU ETS revenues will be of pivotal importance, accelerating innovation and scaling up the application of more sustainable fuels and technologies, also enhancing Europe’s leading role. Europe’s maritime technology industry is ready to play its part” says Christophe Tytgat, Secretary General of SEA Europe.
“CLECAT supports market-based measures such as ETS which would contribute to lowering the price differential between cleaner and conventional fuels, while respecting the “polluter-pays” principle. A fair share of the revenues generated by the auctioning of maritime ETS allowances should be ringfenced and reinvested into the sector via investments in cleaner technologies and R&D projects to accelerate the market uptake of greener and more sustainable solutions in maritime transport” adds Nicolette van der Jagt, Director General of CLECAT.
“Renewable and low carbon liquid fuels are key to decarbonise shipping. However it is common knowledge that the cost of these is higher than that of fossil fuels. Earmarking of ETS revenues to a specific maritime fund would strongly contribute to both bringing higher volumes of renewable fuels to the market and speed up the commercialisation of developing technologies” states Angel Alvarez Alberdi, Secretary General of EWABA.
“The Advanced Biofuels Coalition welcomes the continuously increased use of advanced biofuels in the maritime sector. Further measures are however needed to increase the availability of low- and zero-carbon fuels, such as advanced biofuels. Earmarking EU ETS funds to be used for innovation in the maritime sector would send a strong signal to the investor community” adds Marko Janhunen, Chair of the Advanced Biofuels Coalition LSB and Public Affairs Director at UPM.
“Maritime transport is the backbone of the European economy and invaluable for the Union's internal and external trade. To enable sustainable trade, it is therefore all the more important to support the shift of this sector away from fossil fuels towards climate-neutral options such as eFuels through revenue from emissions trading. Such financial support through the EU ETS also enables a more ambitious FuelEU Maritime with sub-quotas for eFuels and provides investment security for eFuel suppliers” says Ralf Diemer, Managing Director of the eFuel Alliance.
“The fund should support the decarbonisation of the sector, while maintaining its competitiveness vis-à-vis third countries with less ambitious climate policies in place. Investments in green port equipment and refuelling and recharging infrastructure could for instance help port stakeholders cope with the competitive pressure of non-EU neighbouring countries, which do not apply emissions trading to the maritime sector, while at the same time supporting the decarbonisation of the maritime and transport sectors at large” states Lamia Kerdjoudj, FEPORT Secretary General.
“Reducing of the carbon footprint of vessels and creating the preconditions to make the maritime transport more sustainable is important for shippers. Earmarking ETS revenues to help the shipping sector decarbonise will enable international trade to continue” concludes Godfried Smit, Secretary General of ESC.
Members' News Corner
31.08.2022 – HPH and TiL to develop new 7 million TEU terminal at Rotterdam
Hutchison Ports and Terminal investment Limited (TiL) have announced their intention to build a new container terminal at the Port of Rotterdam.
The terminal will be developed in the Europahaven, where the north side of the Hutchison Ports ECT Delta terminal and Hutchison Ports Delta II terminal are located. Both locations will be part of the new container terminal, of which the Rotterdam Port Authority will redevelop the quay walls.
The terminal, which should consist of five deep-sea berths with a total length of 2.6 kilometres, will be launched in phases and is expected to start the first phase of operation in 2027. After its redevelopment, the terminal is expected to have a capacity of 6 to 7 million TEU.
Leo Ruijs, CEO of Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam and Hutchison Ports Delta II said the following about the plans of HPH and TiL: “We are delighted to strengthen further our presence in the region, with the goal of building an automated container terminal that offers high productivity levels and a sustainable working environment.”
According to Ammaar Kanaan, CEO of TiL, shore power will be considered and further explored for users at the port, adding that “sustainability is a top priority for TiL and MSC. As the world’s largest container shipping company, we have a crucial role in creating a sustainable future.”
Source: Port Technology
09.09.2022 – HHLA installs electric charging points for AGVs at CTA Terminal
Last month, Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) has installed and put into operation the final charging station for Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) at its Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA) in Hamburg.
HHLA’s CTA Terminal now has 18 fast-charging stations, each housed in a 20-foot container, at its disposition to charge its AGVs with electricity produced by renewable sources.
The AGVs are able to drive automatically to the charging stations, and also the charging process is fully automated.
At the moment, 85% of HHLA’s AGV fleet is already battery-powered, but by 2023, the entire fleet will be converted to lithium-ion battery operations.
Source: Port Technology
16.09.2022 - DP World establishes rail link to Ukraine
DP World has successfully created a rail link out of Ukraine to the port of Constanta (Romania). The rail connection should alleviate the pressure on truck drivers, and contribute to reducing congestion in the port of Constanta.
Since the start of the war against Ukraine, traffic via Ukrainian Black Sea Ports has been severely disturbed and blockaded, most cargo was redirected via truck to Constanta. As a consequence, the container yards and warehouses at the port of Constanta have been overflowed beyond their capacity.
In order to mitigate this issue of capacity, DP World is linking Constanta with a newly authorised terminal in Dornesti.
According to Cosmin Carstea, CEO of DP World Romania, ““We developed this intermodal terminal to help reduce the occurrence of the significant congestion problems we faced in our Constanta maritime terminal. Additionally, we will now be able to provide uninterrupted operations to the Romanian imports and exports irrespective of big volumes of transit cargo.”
Source: the Loadstar
19.09.2022 – HHLA contributes to hydrogen transport chain between UAE and Germany
In March 2022, Hamburgen Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) signed an agreement with Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) to test the transport chain for hydrogen from the United Arab Emirates to Hamburg.
The first test delivery, which was shipped in the form of hydrogen derivative ammonia, has now arrived at HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder, where it was unloaded from the Hapag Lloyd vessel Prague Express.
Angela Titzrath, CEO of HHLA, said: “HHLA is pleased to facilitate the import of hydrogen and its derivatives to Germany and Europe as part of the strategic energy partnership between UAE and Germany. In order to use hydrogen on a large scale, a reliable and efficient transport chain is needed from producing countries like the UAE to the German and European customers. With its European vast network of seaport terminals, rail connections and intermodal hub terminals operated by our rail subsidiary Metrans, HHLA is well positioned as an import hub and reliable logistics partner for the distribution and transport of hydrogen.”
In 2020, HHLA has started the HHLA Hydrogen Network project to identify the potential for hydrogen in its own operations and beyond. At the moment, HHLA is positioning itself in the area of importing and distributing hydrogen, while also using fuel cells for its own handling equipment.
Source: Hellenic Shipping News based on Port of Hamburg
FEPORT meetings
06.10.2022 Environment, Safety and Security Committee – Brussels
18.10.2022 Social Affairs Committee – Brussels
10.11.2022 Board of Directors – Remote
24.11.2022 Port Policy Committee – Brussels
29.11.2022 Customs and Logistics Committee - Brussels
30.11.2022 FEPORT General Assembly Meeting
01.12.2022 FEPORT Seventh Stakeholders Conference
Institutional meetings
03.10.2022 TRAN Committee Meeting - Brussels
03-04.10.2022 ITRE Committee Meeting - Brussels
10.10.2022 EMPL Committee Meeting - Brussels
10.10.2022 INTA Committee Meeting – Brussels
Other meetings
23.11.2022 Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for Ports meeting – Brussels
FEPORT Newsletter - September 2022